39: Chaos Creator

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"Our deals are meant to be fulfilled no matter what."

「 (Of course. I am not an entity that would do a half-assed job. But, I do have a question.) 」

"Aren't you asking too much already?"

「 (Ah I'm a curious entity, you know. I imagine and distinguish many things so getting to know the truth from you is a satisfaction.) 」

"What is it that you wanted to know?"

He smiled, tilting his head, making his white and black hair frame one side of his face a little. Red eyes gleamed in anticipation.

「 (Why are you tormenting your so-called child for your own goal?) 」

She knew, he was mocking her. But she didn't care.

"Tormenting? This is nothing compared to what I need to endure. This is just a small price to pay for giving her a chance to meet him. She should be grateful instead."

「 (I see. I see. So, why are you calling her your child, then? Isn't it weird, ■■■ ■■■■■■?) 」

"That name is no longer the part of my identity. Calling me that again..."

He raised his hands in a surrendering manner with a soft smile, indicating he didn't have ill intention - not like both of them don't know the truth anyway.

She let out a sigh. Too many to ask, doesn't this dual-coloured hair entity in front of her ever feel tired?

"Because, I am the one giving her the opportunity to live again. Doesn't that mean I'm her creator?"

He smirked. Fully understand what the woman in front of him is implying about.

This woman, how funny. She is so selfish, even with her own self, wanting to feel superior even with her own self.

「 (I understand. I will make sure the deal was fulfilled with flying colours!) 」

"Better be." 'I'm not selling my existence for nothing.'

They didn't exchange a handshake or anything, not even a nod before the woman with gray-haired and eyes left the white space.

「 (Hmm, I'd like to know what change she could bring into this worldline now. How fascinating.) 」


[The 'Indescribable Distance' wants to taste your existence.]

[The 'Final Dragon of Book of Revelation' is roaring out at you for your foolish attempt.]

[Myth-grade story 'Chaos Creator' is roaring back at 'Final Dragon of Book of Revelation'!]

[Myth-grade story 'Chaos Creator' is challenging 'Indescribable Distance'!]

[Stigma 'Chaos Creator' has intensified!]

[Star Stream has detected the use of Chaos.]

[The probability storm is approaching you.]


[The probability storm has been dispelled.]

[The probability has no longer an effect on you.]

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