19: reality that shouldn't be altered

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[Open your eyes, human.]

She abruptly opened her eyes to be met with darkness. She touched her face to see if her eyes were covered but there was nothing.

She could feel her scar on her left eye and she extended her hand forward in the darkness.


She flinched when she heard the voice that she was somehow familiar with, but this time it was cold.

She didn't see anything but she could feel a presence in front of her. She also didn't know if she was standing or lying right now. Is she floating in the darkness?

'Wait, am I dead?'

[You aren't dead yet.]

Did she say it out loud? But what did he mean by yet?!

She calmed down herself before she made any irrelevant action nor uttered some stupid declaration.


[Puny human, who are you?]

It was dark, she didn't know where to see but Erebus makes himself known in front of her.

[How did you get her power when she was supposed to be gone long ago?]

'He must talking about Nyx.'

She recalled back at that time when fighting with Yoo Joonghyuk. That man said the ruler of Niflheim supposed to be dead by now.

What exactly happened in this round to Nyx?

"Would you believe me if I said I'm not from here?"


A demanding tone. However, she complied because she could feel that this Erebus would not hesitate to kill her if she lied.

"I come from an alternate universe. In my world, it has yet to reach the 95th scenario. Also, I inherited this title by killing Nyx and became her successor not too long ago."

She explained as short as possible. There is a long silence after she finished.

[...You said Nyx?]

His curious voice didn't go unnoticed by her, Cha Haemin tilted her head.


[So you are the last ruler. Ah, now I remember.]

Cha Haemin furrowed her eyebrows when she heard that.

"What do you mean by the last ruler?"

The cold sensation died down and she finally could see the silhouette she once met. However, this time, Erebus looked slightly different with short hair along with armour. He also has three horns.

Erebus didn't smile, his eyes voided of emotion.

[You are the successor but you don't know that the limit of ruler of Niflheim that can be passed down is three. You are the third.]

Wait, she didn't know that.

[I think this is what she said.]

Erebus whispered to himself before he eyed Cha Haemin with a cold gaze. Recalling back as to that moment when he met the third successor in this world.

He didn't doubt that Cha Haemin was telling the truth, he would know in an instant if she lied. That is why believing Cha Haemin from another universe is something he didn't question anymore.

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