4: it's starting

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"Haha you should see your face at that time."

« Don't remind me of that! »

She continued laughing. Walking down the street while looking up to the sky.

'It's almost 7.'

« Hey, when will you come and meet me? »

"Do you miss me that much? Uuu I don't know you're such a cute boy, Minjae yah."

« Shut up! I will be off the line if you continue to tease me! »

"Yea yea, sorry. I just tease you a little, still sulking over this huh?"

« You always tease me whenever you call, noona. »

She heard a sigh from the other line. She smiled warmly. Then her eyes flicked towards a certain building.

"Cha Minjae."

She stopped in front of the big gate. When the guard saw her, he immediately opened the gate, quite perplexed why this young woman did not come here with a car.

« What is it? Why are you sounding serious? It's not like you, noona. »

She snorted. Remembering the cute little boy she met long ago, now big enough to live on his own. Far away from her.

That's what makes her worried.

"Take care okay?"

On the other line, Cha Minjae was weirded out.

Cha Haemin walked inside. Didn't look towards the guard and just walked straight towards the big mansion presented in front of her.

« I know how to take care of myself, noona. I'm already 19. »

"You are still a little kid to me, brat."

Cha Minjae huffed. Cha Haemin chuckled.

"Just stay safe, okay?"

She looked at her wristwatch. Almost the time.

« I know, noona. Make sure to visit me next month okay? »

"I will. Wait for me. Don't go wondering around okay? Also don't be too wild there, brat. I'll know what you do and how many women you sleep with!"

« Noona! Who do you think I am?! »

Cha Minjae flushed red. His noona always managed to make him flustered.

She laughed. Could imagine her brother's face right now.

"Ahaha I know how my little brother is. Just make sure to wait for me okay? You must wait for me to come for you."

« Yeah yeah. I know. Don't need to remind me every time. »

She stopped at the closed door. The door wasn't locked and she just needed to push the door to open it.

"Hey Minjae."

« Hmm? »

He is busy with assignments and group projects but he doesn't want to stop talking with his sister yet. Cha Haemin pulled out an earpiece from her pocket before she wore it.

"Remember what I told you five months ago? Before you go to Australia?"

« To make an aquarium and buy many fishes to put in it? »

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