23: where is she?!

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Kim Dokja fluttered his eyes open. There are no more heavy feelings that he always felt whenever he tried to open his eyes. He felt refreshed and so energetic.

He smiled slightly before he brought the pillow near him to hug it tightly. He snuggled onto his pillow but...


He blinked in confusion when his pillow is making a sound. He looked down to see something unexpected.

'Am I dreaming again?'

He brushed his eyes by using his hands and he still sees the same thing. He pushed the 'pillow' he hugged so tightly just now before he widened his eyes.

Her scrunched face was visible in his vision. His mouth opened slightly.

'Wait, wait, I think I am still dreaming.'

Without wasting anymore seconds, he pinched his cheek hard.

[Fourth Wall has nullified your self-inserted pain.]

"What the hell?"

[Kim Dok ja is st u pid.]

Oh God, he is not dreaming. This is not a dream!

"Is this really Haemin?"

He raised his hand to move away her hair from her face. He blinked in awe when he finally registered her present beside him, on the bed, in his embrace.

He bit his lips.

"That is not a dream?"

His face turned red after he remembered what he did in his 'dream'.

'Oh sh*t! She didn't hear me right?'

He was getting flustered by his actions when he was drowsy.

'But, if she hears me then it's fine though.'

He looked at her sleeping face. So peaceful, she looked so peaceful.

'But, I don't want my confession to be like this. Not like how I always dream of.'

He poked her cheek using his finger. Absentmindedly, he kept poking her cheek with swirling thoughts of his drowsy confession before.

'Ah, if she heard me, I can still confess again, right? Wait, what if she heard and she didn't reciprocate?'

He frowned.

'But I clearly heard she said at that time that she only wanted me to....'

He blinked and suddenly felt embarrassed by what he was about to talk even when he just talked it in his mind.

'I also didn't want to kiss anyone except...'

His mind wandered to their first kiss and last kiss. A vivid memory that he had etched in mind.

'Ah, I really want to kiss her again.'


"Erm.. stop it."

Kim Dokja froze. He saw how her eyes slowly opened with a frown evidence on her face. His hand that was poking her face was in her grasp. His black eyes finally met with her gray ones.

Feels like time has stopped. Kim Dokja continued to stare and examined her reaction.


She closed her eyes back.

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