Chapter 3 - School Sucks

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As I walked into school I was blasted with the cold air and the smell of stinky kids.

Everyone was in their cliques and what not. The cheerleaders, trouble makers, "nerds" as people liked to call em, football kids, popular rich kids, and of course the greasers. Although there were tons of different greaser gangs I always had my eye on one specifically.

Pretty sure people liked to call em the Curtis gang. The Curtis gang was known because of Sodapop Curtis, one of the gang members. Boy did he catch every girls eye, the boys probably hated him because of it. He looked like a superstar, he had shiny blueish green eyes, and light brown hair that would hang over his forehead. He had a superstar smile that would give off a friendly feel. I wasn't interested in him though.

Every girl was sad when he dropped out, I always wondered why he decided to though.

One boy in the gang was very interesting to me. I didn't have a crush on him or anything, he just seemed, different. He liked school and it seemed he had a passion for reading. He was unlike most greasers. Most of em would skip school or just not care. By his appearance you could tell he was a greaser, however by the way he acted he seemed like a soc in a way.

I didn't know his name exactly but I would pass by him in the halls, or I would see him in English class because we had the same class together.

He looked kind of like Sodapop Curtis in a way so I assumed he was his brother or something. He had greasy brown hair that was always slicked back. He also had greenish grey eyes. He was always very quiet. He seemed a lot younger than all the other kids too, maybe thirteen or fourteen by the looks of it. He must have skipped up a few grades.

There was also Keith Matthews, he seemed like the trouble maker type. He was in the Curtis gang too. I would see him occasionally in the halls, he was always around his friends and joking around with them. He seemed to skip school a lot, just like a lot of the other greasers.

I was also very interested in one other person in the gang. Johnny Cade. He was always very quiet and mysterious. He looked to be best friends with the book loving greaser. Anytime I would see him, which I never really saw him often. He probably skipped school also. But anytime I saw him he seemed hurt, mentally and physically hurt. I kind of felt bad for the kid, he seemed too young to be that hurt. Every time I'd pass by him seemed scared. But I guess what they say is true, the teenage years are the hardest.

Those are really the only four I've ever actually seen around the school. Apparently there's quite a bit more of them. They really caught my eye. The reason they caught my eye is because they looked like they had a really close friendship, something that other gangs really didn't have.

As I walked around the halls heading to my locker I looked around. Like I said, everyone was in their cliques, I didn't know exactly where I belonged. I was just some lost soc girl. People would always look at me weird, probably because I didn't act like a soc. Although I kept high grades I always got into trouble. Sometimes I'd pull funny pranks on teachers or students. Of course then I'd be sent to detention.

I only really had one friend at school, Sherri or "Cherry" as people liked to call her, Valence. Cherry Valence was a popular cheerleader at our school. She had beautiful long cherry red hair, hence the nickname "Cherry". She was really nice, unlike quite a few girls at our school. She would always come up and talk to me at my locker. She was a lot like my sister, beautiful and delicate, and very kind.

I finally made it to my locker and swung the door open. I started gathering books for class. "Hey y/n!" Cherry yelled from down the hall. "Oh hey cherry." I said as she got closer. "Did ya get to comb your hair today?" She asked jokingly. "No, sadly. I always keep getting caught up in my thoughts too much." I said, nudging her shoulder. "Well that's to bad." She said. "Yeah I..." I was cut off by the bell. "Looks like I have to get to class, see ya y/n!" She said running off. "Bye!" I said.

"Welp I guess I better get to English." I said under my breath. I started heading over to English class.

"You're late Ms.Smith." My teacher said. "Yeah sorry, I tried to..." He cut me off. "That brings you to thirty two tardy's so far for this semester. You know you may have good grades Ms.Smith, but you need to focus more on class." "Sorry Mr.Syme, I swear it won't happen again." I said. "Go to your seat Ms.
Smith, you don't want to be humiliated even more than you already are." He commanded.

I went to go sit down in my seat as everyone stared at me. I was so embarrassed, this was the thirty second time this had happened. I knew I needed to focus more on school, I was just to busy. At least that's what I told myself.

I nearly fell asleep in class because I didn't get much sleep the night before. Mr.Syme also made it really warm in his class so it was like a sleeping bag. I could feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

"Hey, are you ok?" Someone whispered at me. "What?" I looked over in their direction. It was the guy that looked like Sodapop's brother, the book loving one. "Are you ok? You seem tired." He whispered. "Yeah, just didn't get much sleep last night." I whispered. "Sorry about Mr.Syme, he's really strict." He whispered. "Yeah I know, he annoys the hell outta me." I whispered. He giggled quietly at my sentence. "Why did you wanna talk to me?" I asked. "Just bored." He whispered. "Really? I thought you liked English." I said. "Yeah but I already know all this stuff." He made clear. "I see. What's your name?" I asked. "Ponyboy, Ponyboy Curtis." He said. "That's an interesting name." I said. "Yeah, my dad was a very unique person. I even have a brother named Sodapop, you might know him." He said.

"Oh I was right then. You look a lot like him." I said. "What's your name?" He asked. "Y/n." I said. "That's a cool name." He stated. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah I like it." He said. "Well thanks." I smiled. This guy was super nice. "Do you two have something important to share with the class?" Mr.Syme asked. "Uh... I-I was just..." I stuttered. "Detention for you again Ms.Smith. I will not be having you interrupt the entire class, let alone drag Ponyboy into this, he's my best student." "Sorry sir." I said quietly. "You better be. If you do this again I'll call your parents." He stated. "Please don't sir! If you do they'll kill me. I swear it won't happen again." I begged. My parents would be really disappointed if they found out. "Then you better not let this happen again."

"I swear it won't sir." I said. He shook his head in an annoyed way. 'Sorry' Ponyboy mouthed at me. "It's ok." I whispered. "Ms.Smith!" Mr.Syme yelled. "I'm going geez." I said rolling my eyes. I walked outta there as everyone laughed at me. God I hate school sometimes.

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