Chapter 13 - Why?

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(This chapter mostly takes place during last two chapters. So when y/n is is going home this is what happens.)

third person pov~

Dallas's eyes fluttered open. The sun was peaking through the boards on the window. He slowly sat up as a pounding grew in his head. He forgot where he was for minute. He scanned the room as his memory slowly came back. He remembered what had happened last night and wondered where y/n was. He looked around and saw a folded price of paper on the bed. He got up and walked towards it. He opened the paper.

"Dear Dallas,

I have to go back home. I wrote this letter so you wouldn't be freaked out because I disappeared so suddenly. I don't remember  what happened last night but I'm sure it was fun, based on how sick I am. I just wanted to say thanks, I've never been drunk, ever. I'm sure I had an amazing time last night. Thanks.


It read.

He chuckled at her letter. He knew exactly what had happened the night before. He thought about how crazy she acted, and how happy she looked. "It sure was fun last night." He said to himself. He chuckled as he reran the memories through his head.

He remembered how much she fell and how much he had to pick her up. Or the fact that she wouldn't let go of him. He also thought of how he felt when she was wrapped around him. He wondered why he got butterflies in his stomach the first time she fell into him and wouldn't let go. He only knew her for one day, so why was he feeling that way?

He also remembered when she had her first sip of beer and how much she hated it. He quietly laughed to himself. Or when she took her first drag from a cigarette, how much she coughed. He chuckled at that too.

After awhile he realized how much he was thinking about her, he couldn't seem to stop. He wondered why. He had only ever thought of one other person that way, Silvia. Except she was different. He would always think of how mean or selfish she was, her bad qualities. What was it with y/n? He thought to himself. He's only known her a day, except it felt like he's known her for years. Why though? He thought.

He sat on the bed for awhile drifted off into his thoughts. Wondering what it was, why he felt this way. He only knew her for a day so what was it? He thought. Maybe he just thinks she's pretty, like every other girl he'd meet. Every other girl he'd call doll. Maybe he just thought of her more because she was more pretty to him. "Maybe." He quietly said to himself. He left it at that, not wanting to think about it anymore.

He got up from the bed and slowly walked onto the door. He slowly opened it and went out. He walked down the stairs, through the bar and out the door. He didn't know where he was going, just taking a walk. He ended up going to the Curtis house, he would usually always end up there. He especially went on the weekends when everyone was there.

He walked down the dirt road kicking a pebble as he did. He walked for a little bit until he stopped at the front of the shop. The shop that y/n and him stole from the night before. He looked up at it and remembered what had happened. How they both laughed as they exited the store because the girl at the counter was undressing him with her eyes. He quietly laughed. Then he started walking again.

Eventually he made it to the Curtis house, ready to see everyone. He opened the gate and went up the steps. He knocked on the door as he heard bursts of laughter. He heard footsteps coming to the door. Johnny opened the door. "Hey Dal." Johnny said smiling. "Hey kid." Dallas ruffled his hair as he let himself in. Johnny pushed his hair back to the position it was in before, as he followed Dallas.

He sat down in the couch and sunk into it. He started to light a cigarette as Ponyboy sat next to him. "Hey Dally." Ponyboy said. "Hey." Dallas said, taking a drag from his cigarette. "Did y/n make it home ok?" Ponyboy asked. Dallas blew out a puff of smoke and looked towards Ponyboy. "Yeah." Dallas said back. "Why didn't you come back after you dropped her off?" Johnny asked from the other side of Dallas. "Just got a little tired and went over to Bucks." Dallas answered. "Oh come on dal, you never get tired." Johnny said nudging Dallas's shoulder. "Well I guess last night was just different." Dallas shrugged, bringing the cigarette back to his lips. Johnny shrugged and sank into the couch.

"Hey Dally." Sodapop said walking over to Dallas. "Hey Soda." Dallas greeted Sodapop. "Shouldn't you be playing poker?" Dallas asked smirking. "We're just taking a little break. Plus Steve ran out of cake." Sodapop said sitting down on the floor. Dallas chuckled. "No surprise there." Dallas said. "Did y/n make it home just fine?" Sodapop asked turning his head to Dallas. "Yeah." Dallas said back. "Must've been awkward huh." Sodapop said turning to the television. "I guess." Dallas said bringing the cigarette to his mouth.

Dallas spent most of his day at the Curtis house, drinking beer, smoking, and playing poker. He had done this about everyday, so everything was normal. Well mostly everything. The only thing that was off was y/n. Every mention of her brought her back into Dallas's mind. He'd try his best to forget about her but he couldn't. Why was she in his mind all of the time? Maybe she's just beautiful, more beautiful then other girls Dallas saw. That's what he wanted to think at least.

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