Chapter 54 - Sheldon

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He unfolded the piece of paper.

"Dear Dallas,

I have to go back home. I wrote this letter so you wouldn't be freaked out because I disappeared so suddenly. I don't remember  what happened last night but I'm sure it was fun, based on how sick I am. I just wanted to say thanks, I've never been drunk, ever. I'm sure I had an amazing time last night. Thanks.


It read.

He chuckled. It was the letter Y/n wrote after the night she first got drunk. Memories of that night immediately came flooding back to Dallas's mind. He smiled as he reread the letter over and over again. He sat down on his bed and thought of Y/n. Everything about her intoxicated him. Her smile, her laugh, her body, her eyes, her everything.

He knew he loved her, but he was afraid to tell her. He was afraid of something real, a real relationship. If he told her or anyone else that he loved her, then it would become real, he didn't want that. His past "real" relationship was a shitty one, and seeing Sylvia only reminded him more that he couldn't tell anyone about the love he had for Y/n. What he had with Y/n was good and he didn't want to ruin it, he couldn't loose her.

Suddenly, as he thought of her more, the thought of her limp, bloody body that laid against Pony's, came to his mind. He trembled as he the image burned into his mind. Then Johnny's limp body came to mind. He closed his eyes tightly at the thought of the two dead looking body's. He couldn't handle the thought of both of them, the only two people he had ever truly loved. They could've died, and that thought scared him.

Nothing ever really scared Dallas Winston, but that thought sure did. He held tears back as he thought of them. Rage burned inside of him as he thought more and more.  He grew angrier and angrier as he paced around the room. Eventually it got so bad that he couldn't handle it anymore. "I'm gonna kill that motherfucker." He muttered to himself through clenched teeth as he thought of Bob.

He slammed open the door and walked quickly down the stairs. He threw people out of the way as he dashed through the bar. "Dallas!" Sylvia called for him as he passed by her. He flipped her off as he left the building angrily. He cursed under his breath as he walked quickly towards the south side. He shoved his hands in his pockets in anger as he passed over the tracks. He clenched his teeth as he walked along the paved road.

He ran around the south side for awhile in hopes of spotting Bob. Everyone gave him weird looks as he rushed around the town angrily. He went into every building he could but still couldn't find Bob. He was about to give up on finding him as he walked along the sidewalk in the dark. He cursed under his breath as he kicked a rock around in the silence of the night.

He began heading back toward the north side. As he walked under a street light, he saw a blue mustang out of the corner of his eye. He quickly turned around and watched the car drive slowly down the street. He saw the car stop by the curb and four boys came stumbling out of the vehicle. He saw familiar face within the group and began to rage. "Bob." He muttered as he quickly began walking over to the group.

"Sheldon!" He yelled angrily as he got closer to them. Bob looked up to him and laughed. He stumbled over to Dallas slowly. "What do we have he-" Bob was cut off by Dallas punching him in the face. Dallas kept on punching and punching him until he bled, he was too angry to stop. The three other boys rushed to Dallas and tried pulling him off of Bob, but they couldn't.

Bob eventually fell to the ground and Dallas quickly sat on top of him. He punched and punched out of anger. His knuckles were bloody and Bob was knocked out. Even though Bob had been out cold, he kept punching and punching. Tears of frustration streamed down his cheeks. The other boys watched in fear as Dallas continued fighting, none of them knew what to do.

One of the boys ran quickly to the nearest phone and dialed 911. He ran back to the other boys after he made the call and stood until the police shortly arrived. The police sirens echoed throughout the town but Dallas was too caught up with Bob to notice. Right when Dallas began to loose energy he found himself pinned on the ground by the police.

He shook as he tried to escape the police officer. He cursed loudly as Bob was taken away by an ambulance. The police officer grabbed Dallas hands and pulled them together. He put handcuffs around his wrists and got off of him. As Dallas got up from the ground the officer grabbed him by the neck aggressively. Dallas tried to escape but couldn't and was thrown in the back of a police car.

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