Chapter 53 - Sylvia

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I heard the door open slowly. I jerked my head over to the door and saw Dallas walking through, no one was behind him. "Hey Dal." I greeted him. He still looked pretty mad. "Hey doll." He replied. I chuckled when he said doll. I grew to love it when he called me doll. "How you doing?" He asked as he looked up from the ground. "Good enough." I said with a grin. He nodded.

He stared down at me and tears began welling up in his eyes. Was Dallas Winston starting to cry? He sniffled as he held back his tears. "I'll go kick Bobs ass." He spoke up in an angry tone. I chuckled. "It's alright Dal." I said as I stroked his forearm. "It'll just make things worse." I mentioned. He got down on his knees next to me, holding back his tears. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asked as he looked down at the floor. I laughed to myself. "Yes Dallas." I reassured him. "I'm fine." I continued.

"Are you sure your alright?" I asked. He chuckled. "I'm okay." He replied as he looked up to me. I leaned over to him and gave him a peck on the cheek reassuringly. "I like you doll. Ya know that?" He stated looking down. I laughed to myself happily. "I like you to Dallas." I said. He cupped my cheek as he leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back as I twirled his hair with my fingers. I smiled as he pulled away.

We both jerked our heads around to the door as we heard a loud sound. We saw Steve standing in the doorway with his jaw dropped. My eyes widened at the sight of him. "What-" He said, confused. "I-" He continued. "We're you two-" He pointed to us, confused. Me and Dallas looked to each other startled then quickly looked back to Steve. "Welp, I'm gonna go." Dallas said as he rushed passed Steve and out the door. "Dallas!" I pleaded.

I put to my palm to my face in annoyance and sighed. Steve slowly walked up to my bedside. "Are you guys... doing stuff?" He asked. I slapped him on the shoulder. He quickly put his hand to his shoulder. "What's happening between you two?" He asked, confused. "How long?" He continued quickly. I sighed. "A month." I answered. "A month!" He yelled, surprised. "Shhhh!" I yelled quietly as I pulled him down by the arm.

"Jesus Christ Steve!" I whisper yelled. "Sorry sorry." He quietly apologized. I sighed in annoyance. "A month!" He whisper yelled. I rolled my eyes at him. "Yes! A month Steve! A month." I whisper yelled. "Wow." He said surprised. "A month." He said to himself. I groaned in annoyance. "If you say, a month, one more time I swear to god." I said in an angry tone. "Geez no need to get so mad." He said as he put his hands up jokingly. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I gotta tell Soda about this." He said quickly as he started to get up. I grabbed his arm and pulled him down before he could go anywhere. "Don't you dare tell anyone." I demanded angrily as I held his arm tightly. "Ok ok, I won't tell anyone." He said. "Good." I said as I let go of his arm. "What's so bad about people knowing?" He asked. I sat silently for a moment.

"I don't really know actually." I replied as I shrugged. "I guess it's just Dallas. He wants to keep it a secret." I continued. "Does anyone else know?" He asked. "Matilda." I answered. He nodded his head. "Ya like him huh?" He asked. I chuckled. "I guess I do." I replied. He laughed. "I'm gonna head out." Steve stated as he stood up. "Alright. Bye." I said as he walked away. "Tell Soda to bring me cake!" I yelled as he went through the door. "Will do!" He yelled back as he laughed. I laughed to myself as I got in a comfortable position.

I laid in silence of the room for awhile, thinking. I wondered why Dallas wanted to keep us a secret from everyone. It was nice to have our relationship to ourselves but it would be nice to have everyone know. We wouldn't have to sneak around and have worry about everyone seeing us together. It would also be nice to be known as Dallas's girlfriend. All of it would be nice, so I wondered why Dallas didn't want that. I wondered for awhile before I fell asleep.

third person pov~

Dallas wandered the streets for awhile. He kicked a small rock around and smoked as he followed the narrow dirt road. He eventually ended up at Bucks, not surprising.  He went inside and decided to grab a drink. "Beer." He said to buck at the bar. Buck nodded his head as he went to grab a a bottle.

"Dallas?" He heard a familiar voice. "Y/n?" He asked confused. He looked in the direction of the person. "Who the hells Y/n?" She asked. "Sylvia." Dallas said in an angry tone. "What do you want?" He asked angrily. "Nothin much." She said with a smirk as she sat down next to him. "Just to apologize to you." She said flirtatiously as she stroked his arm. He rolled his eyes at her. "I don't accept your apology." He stated as he pushed her hand away. "Why not Dally?" She asked in a sad tone.

"It was just a silly accident." She mentioned as she twirled her hair around. "Two timing me isn't a ACCIDENT." He said loudly, emphasizing "accident". "Cmon Dal." She said. "I'm different now." She continued, putting her hand on his shoulder. "I said no, Sylvia!" He yelled as he smacked her hand away. She pouted as she felt her hand where he had smacked it. He rolled his eyes at her in annoyance.

"Here Dal." Buck said as he slid over a bottle of beer. Dallas quickly grabbed the bottle of beer from off the counter. He got up from the bar stool and rushed off. "Dallas!" Sylvia yelled. She sighed as he ran out of sight. He ran up the stairs and slammed the door as he entered his room. He sighed as sat down on the edge of his bed and took a sip of beer.

He stayed silent as he looked around his dark room. He looked to a table in the corner of room. The moon was illuminating a small, folded up piece of paper sitting on the table. Dallas looked at it confused. He slowly got up from his bed and headed to the table. He grabbed the piece of paper and gently unfolded it.

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