Chapter 6 - Skirt

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"Alright I better be heading out, my sisters probably waiting for me. It was nice meeting ya Two-Bit, you too Ponyboy!" I said waking off. They both said bye as I ran towards my sisters car. "How was your day y/n?" My sister asked as I got in the passenger seat. "Fine I guess." I muttered. She sighed. "What trouble did ya cause this time?" She asked. "I was just talking during class, nothing bad." I said. "Well ok." She said as we drove off.

As we drove back to the house I started to drift off into my thoughts again. I wonder why I've never seen that one kid. Dallas I think? I had never seen him around school, not even in detention. Oh well, maybe he's new or something.

Speaking of that guy I gotta come up with something to prove him wrong. I never like people thinking I'm just some stuck up soc all the time. It makes me seem pathetic. People probably think I am though because of the way I dress. I wish I could dress in something other than a skirt. My parents would never let me go to school in anything else though. It's the attachment that comes with the soc life I guess.

"Alright we're home." My sister said getting out of the car. "God finally, I need to get out of this damn skirt." I moaned as I got out the car. She laughed at my remark.

As soon as Matilda opened the door to the house I sprinted up the stairs. I ran into my room and immediately unzipped my skirt. I threw it across the room and grabbed a pair of jeans. I slipped them over my legs and started to unbutton my blouse. I grabbed a white t-shirt and threw that on. "Much better." I sighed as I threw myself on my bed.

I laid there for awhile thinking. I needed to come up with something that will blow Dallas's mind away.

God it's hard to come up with something. Maybe I could do something illegal. I don't know though, my parents would kill me if they found out.

I sat there thinking awhile.

Ah hell, I'll do it. What's the worst that could happen right?

Maybe I'll steal something. That isn't to bad right? It's not like I'd be thrown in jail for the rest of my life. Yeah I'll do it, maybe tonight even. I wanted to prove Dallas wrong as soon as I could.

I threw on my Jean jacket and ran out the door. "I'm going out!" I yelled running down the stairs. My parents didn't even seem to notice but I didn't care. I swung open the door and ran out. It was a little chilly but thankfully I brought my Jean jacket. After a bit I stopped running. I didn't know exactly where to go to steal but I'll find something. I kept walking for about half a mile until I hit the tracks.

"The north side." I muttered to myself. My parents would kill me if they saw me over there. I thought for minute or two. "Screw it. They probably don't even know I'm out. Or if they do they sure don't care." I said to myself as I crossed the tracks.

I walked around for a bit trying to find a place. I didn't see much around, all there was were small run down houses. At least from what I could see. It was starting to get darker as I walked around. I almost decided to give up been then I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"What are ya doin over here darlin?" Dallas Winston, of course. Why does he always give me stupid pet names? "What do you want Dallas?" I asked, annoyed. He ran up to my side as I kept walking. "I thought you lived in the south side." He stated. "Yes I do. I just needed some fresh air." I said. "I think it's fresher over on your side." He said. I looked over at him. There goes that stupid smirk again. I rolled my eyes. "Just mind your own business alright." I said.

I was getting real annoyed by this point. Why won't he leave me alone? He kept walking by my side. "Can ya just leave me alone?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Ya know I would because your real annoying. But unlike the south side things get dangerous over here sweetie. Things get real. I'm just here to protect ya is all." I rolled my eyes as he kept smirking. "I don't need some "protecter" alright. I'm perfectly capable enough to handle myself." I said, making hand quotations.

"Maybe on the south side but not over here." He said. I rolled my eyes at him. "Fine. But just so ya know I won't be talking to ya." I stated. "Fine by me." He said. We walked for awhile in silence. Occasionally I would look over to him. I never really actually got a good look at him before. For some reason I never really noticed how handsome he was.

"What, ya see something ya like?" He asked cocking an eyebrow. I began to turn red because of that question. "No!" I said bringing my eyes away from him. He laughed at me.

We were passing by a house as I heard someone. "Hey Dally!" I looked over in their direction. I didn't really recognize them until they got closer. It was Johnny Cade, the scared looking boy I'd see around school occasionally. His smile faded when he saw me behind Dallas. "Hey kid." Dallas said as he ruffled his hair. "Who's this?" He asked quietly. "Just a soc." Dallas said. Just a soc huh? God I hated being called that. "A-a soc?" He stuttered. His eyes widened and he started to shake. "It's fine Johnny, she's harmless." He reassured him.

By look of it he seemed scared of socs. Poor kid. "I should probably go, it's getting a bit late. Plus I don't wanna scare anyone." I said. I started to move until I heard another voice. "Hey Dallas!" They yelled. "Y/n?" I looked over and saw it was Ponyboy. "Oh hey Ponyboy." I said as he walked towards us. "You know this broad?" Dallas asked. "Yeah, I met her in English class." Ponyboy stated.

Ponyboy turned towards Johnny. "You ok Johnny?" He asked, his smile fading. "Yeah I'm ok." He said quietly. I felt bad for him, I wanted to do my best to cheer him up so I decided to talk to him. "Johnny right?" I asked, smiling. "Y-yeah." He stuttered. "Nice to meet ya Johnny. Sorry if I scared ya earlier." I said shaking his hand. He shook my hand back but didn't say anything else.

"Hey do you guys wanna come inside? It's real cold out here." Ponyboy asked. I sure was cold but I didn't wanna intrude. "I'm just gonna go, I don't wanna intrude." I said rubbing my neck. "You won't be intruding anything. Just come inside." Ponyboy insisted. "Ok if you don't mind." I said.

I started following everyone into the house.

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