Chapter 27 - Dinner

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"Why didn't you tell me you were friends Darry?" Matilda asked, looking to me. I shrugged. She turned back to Darrel and smiled big. "Why didn't you tell us you knew Matilda?" Pony asked Darrel. "Yeah, why'd you keep her from us?" Steve asked. I hit his shoulder with the back of my hand as he chuckled. Matilda's to damn beautiful for the human eye apparently. "I didn't think to tell." Darrel answered, still staring down at Matilda. In the few days I knew Darrel Curtis I had never seen him so smiley.

After a minute of silence Matilda and Darrel started blabbering on about who knows what. We all began talking and eventually they both went into the dining room. Steve and Dallas were having a conversation by the wall in the corner. Me Pony and Soda were talking, Pony and Soda on the floor, and me on the couch. Johnny was silently sitting across from me listening into the conversation.

Every couple minutes or so I would look over to Matilda and Darrel, I saw them laughing and smiling together. They never took their eyes off of each other, almost like they were in love. I don't know if Matilda was telling the truth about being "just friends" in high school, because they sure seemed like a real good couple. Darrel really didn't seem like the type that Matilda would like though. He's real serious and she's, well she's immature. I guess he's like her opposite half.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" Soda looked up to me from the ground. "Has he ever been that smiley?" I asked, still staring into the dining room. Soda chuckled. "Not for awhile. I haven't seen him like this since our parents died." Soda answered. I nodded my head. "Is it just me or do they seem to make a real good couple?" I asked, turning to Soda. He looked to the dining room and examined them for a moment. "You're right." Soda said, looking back to me. "He seems real happy." Pony spoke up. Me and Soda nodded. "They seem like they really wanna deny it though." Johnny spoke quietly. This had been the first time he had talked in awhile. He seemed to be more comfortable around me, I smiled inside. "Yeah, I wonder what that's all about." I said, agreeing with Johnny's statement. Soda, Pony, and Johnny nodded their heads.

For awhile we all talked in the living room, mostly me, Soda, and Pony, Johnny occasionally spoke up though. Dallas and Steve were still talking in the corner about who knows what. We were interrupted by Two-Bit slamming the door open. "Hey y'all." He said, approaching us. Steve and Dallas went back to talking as Two-Bit sat down next to Soda.

"Whatcha been up to?" Two-Bit asked, ruffling Soda's hair. "Just talking." Soda said, fixing his hair. "And we met y/n's sister." Pony spoke. "Well where is she?" Two-Bit said, looking side to side. He looked up to me. "She's over there." I said pointing to her. He looked to her. "That's your sister?" Two-Bit asked, looking back to me. I nodded. He looked back to the dining room. "What's Superman doin with her? Why's he all... smiley?" Two-Bit asked. "Apparently they go way back to high school." Pony said. Two-Bit nodded his head.

We all started talking about random things. Matilda and Darrel went back in the kitchen to make dinner while Steve and Dallas came to sit with us. Steve sat next to Pony on the ground and Dallas sat in the middle of me and Johnny on the couch.

Dallas was smoking a cigarette as usual. When he took it away from his mouth I quickly took it from him and put it to my mouth. He rolled his eyes at me as I smiled. "You're a real dick. Ya know that?" He said, copying my words. I giggled at his comment.  "I know." I said, bringing the cigarette to my mouth. He smiled at me and for some reason I never realized how amazing his smile was. Anytime he'd smile it would light up the room. I had assumed it was because he had never really smiled often, so when seeing it, it would be more beautiful.

Soda, Steve, Ponyboy, and Two-Bit sat in a circle on the floor for awhile, talking. I talked and joked around with Dallas while Johnny observed us from the side. We did this until dinner was ready.

After a little while we all headed into the kitchen when Darrel called us in to put our plates together. All of the guys went ahead of me and stole most of the food, they left me with only a little bit. I didn't mind though, because I usually didn't eat much anyways. Darrel and Matilda made grilled chicken, peas, and mashed potatoes with gravy, it looked delicious. We all sat back down in living room and ate our dinners. I watched as everyone inhaled their food, almost like they were stray dogs that hadn't eaten in months. Either they were really hungry or they all just wanted more chocolate cake. I enjoyed my food as everyone else had moved on to dessert.

"You eat real slow doll." Dallas acknowledged me enjoying my food. He lit another cigarette and brought it to his mouth. I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "Unlike you, I enjoy my food." I stated. He nodded his head in a mocking manner. I rolled my eyes at him. God I hate him sometimes.

Eventually I was done with my food. Everyone else had went back to talking and playing games. My sister joined Soda, Steve, Two-Bit, and Johnny in poker. She taught them tricks and tips on how to win. Darrel was in the kitchen doing the dishes. Me and Dallas were still sitting on the couch and Ponyboy was off in his room.

For most of the night I had talked and smoked with Dallas, occasionally I joined in poker and beat the tar outta everyone. It was always a real close game between me and my sister, but I'd always win. I ended up winning about a hundred bucks at the end of the night. Man did I have fun with everyone.

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