Chapter 59 - Jumped

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I tried to stay close to Pony but one of the boys quickly came behind me and gripped my hands tightly. I tried to escape, but once again, I was too weak. "I'll give ya one for free. How bout that?" One said as he grew closer to Pony. I shook more, trying to escape the grip of the boy. He pulled me back and tightened his grip, I only shook more. As the one soc got closer to Pony he flipped out a knife. I grew angry and shook more. "Stop it!" I yelled with anger.

The soc looked over to me quickly with a smile then back to Pony. I shook more. He slowly brought the knife to Pony's neck as I shook more and more. My eyes widened as he brought the knife closer to his skin, I began kicking and screaming in anger.

I felt the boys grip grow looser as I shook more. Pony quickly started backing up and ran into a boy behind him. They immediately pinned him to the ground and sat on top of him. I had known what that felt like, it wasn't good.

I saw Pony's eyelids begin to close as he fought to stay awake. He took large breaths as he struggled to breathe. I cursed loudly as the one with the knife brought it closer to Pony's neck. Pony screamed loudly, spitting out names. I watched Pony shake and grew mad. I felt the boys grip on me loosen more with every passing second. I was done with controlling my anger at that point. They had gone to far, so far that they could've killed Pony in minutes.

I felt tears begin to run down my cheeks as the knife touched Pony's skin. I screamed one last curse before one of my hands had come loose from the boys grip. My mind went blank as I clenched my fist tightly and threw a punch at the guy holding me. He fell back, causing him to let go of me completely. Immediately as I was free, I ran to the boy on top of Pony. I threw myself at him and pushed him off of Pony.

"We've gotta fiery one here." The boy said as I pinned him to the ground. He quickly threw me off of him and towered over me. I quickly got up from the ground but got knocked back down by his fist. I felt my cheek where he punched me as I looked up to him. He chuckled sadistically as he got close to me. I clenched my teeth as he got in my face. "You're a pretty one. Aren't ya?" He stated as he grabbed my chin. I grew angry at that comment. "Son of a bitch." I spat as I grabbed his wrist tightly. He winced in pain as I threw it to the side.

I slowly got up and locked my eyes on his. He followed my gaze as I stood upright. I clenched my fist tightly and got ready to punch him. As I brought my arms up in defense I watched him fly to the ground as someone attacked him. My eyes widened in surprise as I watched him get tackled. "Ponyboy?" I asked with confusion. "Better." I heard a familiar voice as the person stood up. The soc ran off quickly and retreated to his car with the rest of his buddies. "That's right! Run asshole!" I yelled. I saw the whole gang shouting and throwing things at their car as they drove off.

As they drove out of sight I darted my eyes over to the mysterious person who saved me. I looked closely at him as he gathered himself. I couldn't see his face, only his body. I examined him more, from his legs to his torso. Then once my eye's landed on his chest I saw something familiar. A necklace, just like Dallas's. I smiled as I realized who it was. I still wasn't completely sure it was Dallas until I saw his face. He dusted off his pants and looked up to me with a smile. A wide grin grew on my face as I saw his handsome face.

I immediately ran into his arms and wrapped my arms around him, taking in the overwhelming smell of cologne. He laughed happily as he wrapped his arms around me. I pulled away from him with a smile. "I missed you." I said as I brushed my hand through his hair. "I missed you too." He said. I smiled widely as I left him before anyone could see us. I went over to check on Pony.

I kneeled down next to him and examined him carefully. "Are you alright Pony?" I asked with concern. "Yeah, I'm fine." He replied as he stood up weakly. "You sure?" I asked. He nodded his head as the gang came rushing up to him.

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