Chapter 31 - Rumble

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The night played out the same as the other night, poker, talking, laughing, and just plain fun. We watched Darrel and Matilda as they talked and laughed together. We teased them about how much they loved each other, of course they denied the fact that they were completely head over heels for each other. Two-Bit tried his best to deny it too, lying to himself so he could win the bet that we had made earlier.

After a bit everyone got all riled up and excited for the "rumble". I wasn't very familiar with the term "rumble", from what Soda said, it sounded like a fight. Something between the socs and greasers. It also seemed to be a big thing to everyone, the whole gang began acting crazy to get ready for the rumble. They shouted and ran around, getting riled up. Apparently you have to be very energetic for it.

Everyone started getting ready for the rumble. Pony and Soda fought over the comb and gel for their hair, Steve shaved while Two-Bit ate more cake, Darrel went into his room to change, and me, Dallas, and Johnny watched everyone while we smoked. Matilda sat in the corner writing something in her notebook. She liked taking notes about things that happen in her life, she's done it since she was ten. She says it helps to get her thoughts out without having to be judged.

"You guys get really crazy for this thing." I stated, turning to Dallas. He turned to me. "Yep." He said, bringing his cigarette to his mouth. "Why?" I asked. He shrugged. "Just helps us fight better I guess." He answered. I shrugged and turned back to the television. I brought my cigarette to my mouth and took a long drag. "Why aren't you getting ready?" I asked, turning back to Dallas. "Don't have to." He said. I turned back to the television and watched everyone run around the room.

After awhile everyone was ready for the rumble. They all started screaming as they ran out the door. Me and Matilda followed close behind them and giggled at them. Once we all got out the door Steve did a front flip off of the porch, Soda did a handstand on the fence and Two-Bit hollered at them. Me and Matilda chuckled at how loud and rowdy they were. Dallas, Johnny, and Pony stayed silent most of the time but occasionally hollered.

Soda came running over to me and Matilda. He quickly picked me up and propped me up on his shoulders. I laughed at him and he laughed along with me. Soda and me passed by Dallas and he smiled at me, I smiled back at him. He chuckled at me and I made a mocking gesture. He chuckled and looked down to the ground as Soda sped passed everyone. I hollered and put my hands up in the air. "There ya go!" Soda yelled. I laughed. I was having a lot of fun.

We all screamed and hollered as we went through the neighborhood. A couple people yelled at us to shut up but we just laughed at them. I loved being with the gang, they had already felt like family to me, even though I only knew them for a little bit. They sure were fun.

Soon enough we arrived at the lot. There were a couple other gangs there. I didn't know them but they looked tough. I was a little frightened when I saw them but I calmed myself down. I looked around at everyone and my eyes landed on someone familiar. Tim Shepard. He attacked me a couple of nights ago. My eyes lit up and I felt my face go pale, all the blood had left my body. Dallas looked to me with a concerned and confused look on his face. I looked back towards Tim and gulped. "Tim." Darrel approached him. "Darrel." Tim said as he shook his hand.

He went around and shook everyone's hand and then got to Soda and I. "Who do we have here?" He asked slyly. I rolled my eyes at him. Soda picked me up off of his shoulders and gently set me down. "This is y/n, shes our friend." Soda said as he gestured towards me. "Y/n this is Tim." Soda introduced me. I acted as if I never met him before. I shyly shook his hand. He smirked at me. "Still too drunk to remember?" Tim asked jokingly. He chuckled. Soda looked to me, confused. I shrugged, trying to act like I had never seen him before. Tim chuckled as he backed off. I felt all the blood return to my body as he went back to his gang.

Me and Matilda went over to the base of a tree and watched everyone conversing. Soon enough a bunch of fancy cars pulled up into the lot. The socs had arrived. They got out of their cars and walked over to everyone. They lined up and sized each other up. One of the socs stepped out of the line and so did Darrel. They approached each other and sized each other up.

"Hello, Darrel." The soc said. "Hello Paul." Darrel said back to him. "I'll take you." The soc whose name was Paul said. They slowly circled each other. After they had made a couple of rounds Darrel took the hit. He swung a right hook to the face. Paul fell back but immediately caught himself. He gathered himself and took a swing at Darrel, he dodged it. All turned into chaos as everyone started taking hits at each other. The fight had started.

I watched everyone in the gang fight, starting with Darrel, then Soda, moving onto Two-Bit, then to Steve, Pony, Johnny, then finally Dallas. I watched as he shoved one of the socs to the ground. He looked up to me and caught my eyes. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He smiled at me until a soc came and hit him right in the face. I giggled at him as he fell to the ground. He got right back up and swung at the soc, knocking him to the ground. He made a mocking gesture at me as I giggled.

After a bit a couple of socs started to run off, retreating to their cars. One by one all of the socs retreated to their cars. The greasers had won. The whole gang threw their hands up in the air and hollered in celebration. I ran up to them and congratulated them. I hollered with them in celebration. Matilda made her way over to Darrel and gave him a big hug. I giggled at them and smiled. They were always so happy together.

Dallas ran over to me as I was congratulating everyone and threw me up onto his shoulders. He cheered and chuckled. I laughed loudly as we ran down the street. I threw my hands in the air and hollered.

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