Chapter 32 - Aftermath

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We celebrated all through the neighborhood. Steve and Soda were doing flips off of cars, Two-Bit was screaming and throwing his hands in the air, Johnny and Pony were smiling and chuckling, and Darrel and Matilda were talking about the fight. I laughed the whole way to the house and Dallas chuckled along with me. We had a lot of fun.

Although the gang was pretty energetic and crazy they looked tired and hurt. They had been pretty beaten up from the rumble. Steve looked the worse with a slash across his face and a what looked to be a broken knuckle. Two-Bit was pretty bad too, he had a pretty bad black eye and he was bleeding just about everywhere. Both Darrel and Sodas knuckles were pretty bad looking and they were both bleeding in a couple places. Pony and Johnny didn't look too bad, but both had a couple wounds here and there. Dallas looked pretty beat too, his knuckles were bleeding out and he had a big gash on his right cheek. He also looked to be bleeding out of his shirt, he told me that he was fine but I didn't believe him. He looked pretty beat up.

When we got to the house everybody slowly made their way in and plopped themselves on the floor. Dallas picked me up off of his shoulders set me down on the ground, then he quickly laid on the floor. I calmed myself down and both me and Matilda decided to help out everyone by cleaning up their wounds. Matilda took on Steve, Soda, Two-Bit, and Darrel. I decided to help out, Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dallas. I shuffled around in the bathroom for awhile and found a first aid kit and rubbing alcohol in the medicine cabinet. I called Pony into the bathroom and started cleaning him up.

He wasn't to bad. He had a couple of wounds here and there but overall wasn't too horrible looking. He had many scratches on his body and face. I went over to the sink and opened up the first aid kit. I dug out self adhesive wrap, cotton balls, gauze, bandages, and adhesive tape. I went over to Pony who was on the toilet, with the things I needed. I took the cap off the rubbing alcohol and took out a cotton ball. I applied the rubbing alcohol to the cotton ball and began on his face. He had a small scratch on his face that was bleeding.

"This will hurt a bit." I said. Pony nodded. I slowly brought the ball to his wound and he winced. I gently patted the ball on the wound trying not to hurt Ponyboy. Once I cleaned it up I took a bandage and put it across the scratch. I began on the rest of his body. He had about five or six scratches along his body. I cleaned them all up and bandaged them.

"You're done." I said to Pony. He nodded as he sat up from the toilet. He slowly walked out of the bathroom as I called Johnny in.

He came in slowly and sat down on the toilet. I shut the door behind him and gathered the things I needed. I went over to Johnny, he looked a bit hesitant of letting me touch him but eventually let me. He took his shirt off revealing many cuts and scratches. I applied the rubbing alcohol to a cotton ball. "This will hurt a bit." I stated. I slowly brought the ball to his chest where there was a medium sized cut. I tried touching him with the ball but he quickly backed away every time I tried. "You'll be ok." I reassured him with a smile on my face. He sighed as I brought the ball to his wound. I gently patted the ball on the cut as he winced. When I was finished I bandaged it up with gauze wrapped with self adhesive wrap. I continued onto the rest of his wounds.

I kind of felt bad for Johnny. He seemed scared every time I went near him or tried to help him. Every time I'd move onto a new wound he'd back away from me. I had to reassure him that I wasn't going to hurt him.

Once I finished off his body I handed his shirt back to him and he put it back on. I looked up to his face, his eyes were wide and his skin was pale. I was concerned. "Are you okay?" I asked, concerned. He looked to me and sighed. "Sorry." He said quietly. I smiled at him. "You didn't do anything." I stated. His eyes slowly softened and his skin started regaining some of its color. "I just get a bit scared around socs." He quietly said. "They always jump me." He said. I looked at him with concern. "Sorry to hear that." I stated. "I'm fine." He said. I nodded. "I'm not like them. Alright?" I reassured him. He nodded. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me before quickly stopping. I felt good that Johnny was able to talk to me a bit. I felt him starting to get more comfortable with me.

"Well, you're done." I said. "Thanks." He said as he got up from the toilet. He slowly went out the door as I smiled at him. He gave me a quick smile then closed the door behind him.

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