Chapter 6 - Bombs Dropped

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I rushed into the dining room and sat a pan of cornbread on the table. Checking everything, I made sure the food looked good. The whole family was having dinner today, well the adults were. Tamar and Trina are watching Josiah and the twins. Jordan will stay here because he's been a little fussy lately and only wants Janet.

Janet had decided on this dinner but wouldn't tell me why. Apparently there's something she wanted to tell everybody. The only thing I had to take care of was the food because I didn't keep my promise earlier when Janet kept her cool at the boys' school. "Babe!" I put the oven mitts down and ran upstairs.

"What's up?" I walked into our room and saw Janet trying to calm down Jordan with one arm and lay out his clothes with the other.

"Can you turn the bottle warmer on? I need to get him changed and dressed."

"Sure, baby." I turned it on and went to her. "Here, let me get everything together. You sit down." I took Jordan and got his clothes ready. Janet sat down on the couch as I sat down to change his diaper. "What's wrong? You've been a lot more frustrated today."

"It's just a lot going on. My hormones are still all over the place, something's wrong with Jordan and I can't figure it out, I'm worried about the twins and Josiah has been extra clingy. I think he's feeling neglected. I have all this work to do and I still have to do all the house stuff." She put her head in her hands and started crying.

"Hey. Hey." Jordan had stopped crying so I laid him in the crib and went to her. "Come here." I pulled her into me and rubbed her back. "I know, baby."

"It's just so much. I don't think I can handle it alone."

"That's why I'm here. Put some of it on me."

"I can't do that."

"Yes, you can. Tell me what you need so you can focus on yourself."

"I don't know."

"I'll do it all." She sat up and looked at me.


"I've noticed you've been overwhelmed and I want to help you. We're partners. So I'll take some time off from work and stay home. Mom has been wanting to get back into the boss chair for a while anyway. How's a couple months?" She looked at me and cried more.
"Thank you, baby." I kissed her head.

"Of course. The last thing I want is for you to be so overwhelmed that you forget about yourself. You've told me that you never wanted to be one of those women whose whole life is their spouse and kids. That's why I've always had things set up like this." 

"Like what?"

"So that I could take time off whenever need be. Nothing is more important than you and our babies." She smiled and kissed me. I deepened it and slipped in my tongue. My hands moved towards her butt when a cry interrupted us. We pulled apart and looked at the crib.

"Do you think they can sense it?"

"Gotta be." She went to get up and I pulled her back down. "The hell you think you doing? I got him." I got up and grabbed him. "Calm down. Shhh." I bounced him a little trying to calm him down. He finally did and I put his pacifier in his mouth. Janet watched me with a small smile.

"You're such an amazing parent." I smiled at her.

"Thank you." She got up and walked to me. Kissing my cheek, she came to my ear. She licked it and kissed it while rubbing my front.


"What you want, baby?" She giggled.

"I want...." She kissed my neck, cheek and lips before going back to my ear. " clean the kitchen after dinner." She pulled away with a smile and walked to the door.

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