Chapter 15 - Good Times

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"Happy Birthday to you!" Everyone finished singing and clapped.

"Okay Jordan, blow out the candle." Jordan looked at Janet and she mimicked the blowing. He laughed and looked back at it.

"Blow out the candle." He blew some air out and managed to blow out the candle.

"Yay!" We all clapped again and he laughed.

"Yay!" He shouted. Jordan was officially one and everyone was so excited, especially Josiah. He had been discharged from the hospital because of the success of the transplant and he was so excited about Jordan's birthday party. He had been up trying to help all day.

"Happy birthday, Jo Jo." Josiah hugged Jordan and kissed his cheek.

"Aww." Janet put Jordan down and Josiah helped him slowly walk away. They were so adorable.

"Okay, mother. Do you want to cut the cake?"

"Sure, sweetie." She took the knife and all the kids went around the table begging for their piece. I sat off to the side and watched. Toni came to sit next to me.

"How you feeling?" She smiled.

"I'm so happy. After no Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years, it's nice to celebrate something."

"I know, and how are you feeling about JohVonnie?"

"She's going to get what's coming to her. I haven't forgotten."

"Good, because I'm ready for that bitch to be out of our lives for good." I laid on her shoulder and laughed.

"Me too."

"Mama! Mommy!" The twins came running to us.

"What's up?"

"Look." They held up some slime they made.

"Good job." I picked up TJ and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, mommy."

"Mama, come play with me." Tommy pulled Toni away.


"Yes, sweetie."

"I'm sleepy." He laid back against me.

"You didn't sleep last night?" He shook his head.
"Why?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. I just lay there."

"Hmmm." This was something to be expected with his diagnosis. Children on the spectrum often have trouble sleeping. I wouldn't be shocked if Tommy wasn't sleeping well either.



"Are you happy now?" I was taken aback.

"Yes, sweetie."

"Good. I don't like sad mommy." I chuckled.

"I don't like sad mommy either." He turned around in my lap and looked at me.

"I like happy and funny mommy." I smiled.

"Me too."

"Good. I love you, mommy."

"I love you too." He kissed my cheek and jumped out of my lap. He ran back to the other kids. That did something to me. The boys had told me they loved me before but this was different. It's like he knew I needed to hear it.

"Hey, sis." LaToya sat next to me.

"Hey! Where's my nephew?"

"Over there with his daddy." I looked and saw Kenny holding the baby. He was trying to get him to drink from his bottle. We laughed.

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