Chapter 1 - Home Sweet Home

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"Mama! Mama!" I heard Tommy scream followed by rapid footsteps. I sat Josiah down next to me on the couch. "Mama!" He ran into the living room holding his toy while crying.

"What's up, little man?" He walked over to me and I picked him up.

"TJ break my toy." He held the action figure up and it was missing its head and arm. Tears filled his eyes.
"Fix Batman."

"Let me see."

"He no honest, mama!" TJ ran in. He was obviously angry.

"Come here." He stomped over with his arm folded.
"Did you break Tommy's toy?"

"No, mama."

"Are you being honest?"

"Yes, mama."

"Then how'd it break?"

"I not know." I looked at Tommy and he shrugged.

"Well, just buy a new one then."

"Okay, mama." I wiped his face and stood him up on the floor.

"Now apologize to each other. Just like mommy taught you." They looked at each other.

"I sorry, TJ."

"It okay. I sorry, Tommy."

"I f-f...." He looked at me.

"Forgive." He looked back at TJ.

"I forgive you." They hugged each other.

"Now, go play." TJ grabbed Tommy's hand and they went off upstairs.

I laughed at their actions. It had been an interesting four years with them. They obviously had Janet's personality and they behaved just like she and Randy did. Everyday there's some disagreement between them. They yell and fight but ultimately end up being best friends by the end of the day. "Mama."

I picked Josiah back up and sat him on my lap. He hadn't been that long turn two and he was the spitting image of Janet. Which was good because she was very upset that Tommy and TJ looked exactly like me.
Everyone one of them acted just like her though.

Our lives had been in full swing since I graduated. I got my masters and Janet got another bachelor's and master's. She now had a law degree and passed the bar. When I asked her why she got it, she said and I quote 'I was bored.' That's my little genius though and the boys definitely took after her with it.

Tommy and TJ were already being tested for gifted schools. They were reading at a third grade level and already had a good handle on mathematics. A lot of professionals suspect that they will be early high school graduates like their mother. Josiah was also showing signs of high intelligence. It would be a year or two before they can start testing him too but they suspect him to be just as smart as his brothers.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by my phone ringing.

"We're outside." It was Janet.

"Here I come." I hung up and walked to the door with Josiah following close behind. I put my slides on and opened the door. "Stay here." I said to Josiah. He stood still as I went to the car. I opened the passenger side door and helped Janet out.

"Thank you, baby."

"Of course." Kenny got out and got the bags from the trunk. "Thanks for looking out for her."

"No problem. You had to stay here with the boys."

"Yeah, they're a handful." I laughed and opened the backseat door. Grabbing the car seat and baby bag, I closed the door and hooked my arm around Janet's. "Hold onto me, baby." We slowly made our way to the front door.

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