Chapter 11 - New Normal

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"Bye, mommy." The boys jumped out of the car and tried to run off.

"Wait!" I got out and went around the car. They stopped and came back.

"Mommy." They whined. I put their masks in their faces. "I don't want to wear this." said TJ.

"I know, baby. But we have to so Josiah doesn't get sick."


"Now, remember to wash your hands and don't touch weird things."

"Yes, mommy." I hugged them and kissed their foreheads.

"Have a good day. Love you."

"Love you, mommy." They ran off. I watched them go to their teacher. She waved at me as I got in the car. I made sure they got in safely before driving off.

"Mommy!" I looked through the rear view mirror at Jordan. He was almost ten months old and had started to learn how to talk.

"What's up, sweetie?"

"Ha!" He threw his hands up and made a face causing me to laugh. "Sing?"

"Okay, sweetie." I put his playlist on and he started bouncing in his car seat. He had gotten much bigger and taller over the last six months and now needed a toddler sized car seat.

"Yeah!" He sang with the music. I smiled and focused on the road. I thought about everything we had been through in these last months. Josiah had gotten his diagnosis and we started treatment immediately after he had his appendix taken out. I had changed my job to most of my work being done from home, well technically wherever my laptop was. I couldn't afford to be away from my baby too much. Toni wanted to take more time away from her job but I couldn't let her. That was her only outlet from everything going on.

Pulling into the  parking lot, I parked in the same spots I always do and gathered all of my stuff. Getting out, I got Jordan out and carried him inside. I went up to the eighth floor and went to the front desk to greet the nurse. "Good morning, Lanise."

"Good morning, Mrs. Janet."

"How's my baby, today?"

"He's doing good. He's still feeling the effects of his treatment from yesterday and the doctor had to up his nausea medication but he's doing much better this time around."

"Great. Has Dr. Landon been around yet?"

"Not yet."

"Sweet. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Hi Jordan." She waved at him and he blushed before hiding his face in my neck.

"See you later, Lanise."

"See ya." I walked down to Josiah's room and looked through the door. He was laying down asleep. I walked in and looked over his machines. His blood pressure and heart rate was good. All of his levels were good. I sighed in relief.

Going to the other side of the bed, I sat Jordan down on the couch and gave him his toys. He began to play as I went to Josiah. I examined his skin and face. It was very dry. Going to my bag, I got out bath stuff for him as well as hair care and moisturizers. "Mommy." I turned around and saw him staring at me.

"Hey, baby boy." I went over to him and picked him up. He laid on my shoulder. "How are you feeling?"


"I know, baby." I rubbed his back. "I know. You want mommy to clean you up?" He nodded. "Okay. You want Spider-Man or Batman pjs?"


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