Chapter 17 - Best Laid Plans

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It was almost 4:30 and I had just finished cleaning. Even though the house wasn't a mess or dirty, I still wanted the house to have that fresh feeling. Along with that, I placed a cake in the oven. The boys begged me to make a strawberry crème cake and I couldn't say no to their precious faces. I also sat out some snacks for our guests.

"Baby!" I called Toni.


"Can you make sure the boys' playroom is clean?" I heard her walk in that direction and then walk into the kitchen.

"They cleaned it."

"Good." She hugged me from behind.

"What you cooking up in here?"

"I'm baking a sweet treat for you and the boys."

"You're my sweet treat." I turned in her arms and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Am I?"

"Hell yeah. Damn near got diabetes." I laughed and pecked her lips. "Mmm. My blood sugar just went up." I laughed again and moved out of her arms.

"You're too much." She pulled me back into her and kissed me again. This one was deeper and she grabbed my butt. "Mmmmm." She stuck her tongue in my mouth as she pushed me into the wall.

"Mama!" We pulled apart and saw an angry Tommy.

"What is it?" asked Toni.

"Off my mommy." I held back laughter.


"She mine!"

"She was mine first."

"No." Tommy stomped his foot.



"Yes." Toni held my waist. Tommy ran over and pulled her arm off and hugged my waist.

"My mommy."

"Awww." I picked him up and kissed his cheeks. "Mommy's man is protective of me." He smiled.
"Thank you."

"You're welcome, mommy." Toni tried to come in for a hug and Tommy pushed her before hugging my neck.

"I can't believe this." She folded her arms and looked at him. I looked at them looking at each other. "Fine. Don't be coming to me when you want some ice cream." She walked away.

"Wait!" Tommy wiggled in my arms so I put him down. He ran after Toni. "Mama! Wait!" I laughed and finished cleaning up the kitchen. By the time I finished, the doorbell rang. I put my apron away and fixed my hair before going to the door.

"Hello." I greeted with a smile.


"Come on in, Jada. Did you have any trouble finding the place? These gated communities can be very confusing if you've never been." I closed the door.

"I found it okay."

"Good." I looked down and saw a little boy next to her.
"And this handsome young fellow must be your son. Hi, sweetie."

"Hi." He waved and smiled.

"What's your name?" 


"Nice to meet you. Jaden. I'm Janet." I held my hand out to him and he shook it. "Come. The living room's this way. We just had the carpets cleaned and redone so we'll have to go this way." I purposefully took her the longer way to the living room so she could see what the house like she wanted to. It's the least I could do.
"Oh that's a nice room." She said. I looked at the room she was talking about.

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