Chapter 2 - Back to Business

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"Are you sure about this, baby?" asked Toni. She put her tie around her neck.

"Definitely. I've been cleared to go back to work and I want to go." I smoothed my dress out. Jordan was almost two months now and I had gotten the okay from Missy to go back to work, which I was so happy about.

"Okay, do you need me to take Jordan?" She finished with her tie.

"No, I got him." I grabbed my shoes and headed downstairs. Toni was right on my tail.

"Hold up." She grabbed my waist and turned me around.

"What?" She kissed me deeply. I wrapped my arms around her neck as she squeezed my ass. She slowly pulled away with my tongue in between her teeth. She giggled as she let it go.

"Just wanted to let you know that you're looking very sexy today. Gone have me hard all day." I slide my hand down her front until I felt her dick and it was very hard.

"Mmmm...I got you like that, baby?"

"Always. This dick only gets hard for you."

"Good." I rubbed her through her pants a little more while leaving little kisses on and around her mouth.

"Mommy!" We moved apart. Tommy came around the corner.

"Yes, sweetie." He pouted.

"No school!" He folded his arms and stomped.

"Yes. You have to go to school."

"No! It boring." He stomped again.

"Stop stomping those feet before I pop those legs." He scrunched his nose and held his ear. "I mean it. Go finish dressing yourself." He turned around and went back to his room. We laughed.

"He's definitely your son." Toni said. I turned around and faced her.

"Shut up and get Jordan." I headed downstairs and shortly after, Toni came down with Jordan in her arms. I went up to her. "Hi, baby boy. How's mommy's little man? Do you sleep well." I kissed his cheeks. I put him in his car seat and made sure he was strapped in. Checking his bag, I made sure he had plenty of diapers and a couple changes of clothes just in case he spit up, which he will do. I got my pump and some milk to take to work.

Once I was sure I had everything, I put my heels on and grabbed my purse. "Toni!" She came into the living room.

"I'm leaving, can you put him and the stroller in the car for me?"

"Sure." She grabbed the baby and his stuff. I made sure I had the last of my things so that I didn't have to come back.

"Tommy! TJ! Come here!" I heard their little footsteps trying to run down the stairs. They came around the corner holding hands.

"Yes, mommy." said Tommy.

"I want you guys to behave at school and at Grandma Evelyn's house today. I don't want a bad report like last time. Do you understand?"

"Yes, mommy." I look at TJ.

"Tristan, do you understand?" He nodded with a pout.
"What's wrong?"

"No school."


"No like it."

"I know, baby but you have to go so you can learn. If you go like you're supposed to you'll be successful, okay?" He scratched his ear and nodded. "Good. Now be good. Give mommy love." I opened my arms and they both hugged me. I kissed both of their cheeks and they smiled. They may look like Toni but they definitely had my cheeks. I pinched them. "Mommy loves you both." They smiled harder. I headed for the door.

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