Chapter 2: Introductions

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Chapter 2


"Concentrate Aden." Titus clutched my hands. "Visualize yourself as human."

I squeezed my eyes shut and gritted my teeth. Nothing happened. I peeked up at Titus.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Oh Aden." He hugged me. "At least you look cute trying."

Jerking back, I punched his arm. "Now is not the time, I need to figure this out before tomorrow morning."

Titus lifted my muzzle. "Come here."

I straddled his legs and leaned into his chest. He ran his hand down my back to my tail. It sent shivers up my spine when he touched it.

"Don't." My tail curled into my lap.

He wrapped his arms around me. "Close your eyes and relax."

I did so.

"Deep breath," he pressed my head to his shoulder. "I want you to draw the energy you felt before into your chest and visualize yourself changing back to human."

I inhaled and mentally drew the energy to my chest. My fingers started to tingle. "Titus?" I whispered.

"Hold onto that feeling."

Sucking my lips, I felt the sensation travel up my arms and legs. It shot to my chest and my eyes snapped open. The fur sank back into my skin. My face pushed in, and my feet changed to normal. It left me gasping. It hurt, but not nearly as bad as my first transformation.

Titus rocked me. "How are you feeling?"

Hiding my face, I took deep breaths. "It hurts. Why does my body still hurt so bad?"

"It takes time. Peter doesn't feels any pain when he shifts now. You just need to give it some time."

Nodding, I laid down and curled up on our new mattress. Titus placed the blankets over us and scooted up behind me. He shifted back to human and draped his arm over me.

"You did it, though." He kissed my cheek.

"Do I look any different?"

Titus cleared his throat. "A bit. I'll show you tomorrow. Nothing, too big."

"'kay," I yawned.


"Titus!" I pulled at my hair as I stared at my reflection in our dresser's mirror. "What have you done?"

"It's not that bad," he said under his breath with a sheepish grin.

"My hair is white!" I pointed at it.

"It's more of a blond." He scratched the back of his neck. "People bleach their hair all the time. I think it looks nice actually. It suits you."

I pursed my lips and pushed my hair off my forehead. "You're too sweet," I muttered. Every mole and freckle were gone. My mating bite really was the only mark on my body.

Titus walked up behind me and grabbed my hips. "Not everything's bad, right?"

My muscles were more defined. I had abs, small one. I glanced at Titus's thick arms and broad chest. I still was not that impressive compared to the other members of the pack. It was clear now that I was a sub.

"My mom will like it. I look like her now."

He kissed my cheek. "Well, your mother is a beautiful woman."

Hell's Angel: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now