Chapter 17: Missing You

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I gave Titus one last hug, before they left.

"I'm going to get better as quick as I can, alright?" He tightened his hold.

"I'll be here." I stood up on my toes and kissed him. "But, phone call are nice in the meantime."

He smiled. "That's if I have permission from the alpha of the house." His eyes flicked over to my dad.

Quint let out a deep breath. "Same rules as before, don't be keeping him up all hours of the night."

Xavier patted his son's shoulder. "Come on. It's getting late."

Titus waved as he headed for the car.

Darius smiled at me as he waited for his brother and father. "Don't wander too far from the pack, Princess. There might be rogues out here, or even homophobes," he stated. "Humans are strange creatures, but then again you're one of them."

I promptly flipped him off. Darius just laughed.

"Aden." My mother knocked my hand down. "Have a safe trip home."

"Thanks for letting us come," said Xavier with a nod. He glance between his sons. "Get in the car and cut it out."

Darius gave me a cheesy grin, before climbing behind the wheel. We stood outside as they pulled onto the street and drove away.

"Well, I think today was very productive," stated my mother, putting her hands on her hips.

"Yeah," I sighed. "It was."

My father groaned, rubbing his eyes. "I need a beer." He went into the house with my mother's mouth agape.

"Quint, it was not that bad." She followed him to the kitchen.

I closed the front door and joined them.

My father was scrounging through the fridge. "Want one, Aden?"

My mother exhaled sharply, clearly astonished he would even suggested it. "He's 18, Quint. He's underaged, and we have firm rules in this house."

He put a beer on the counter. "He's a werewolf, Karen. It goes so fast through their system that it takes straight alcohol to get them drunk. A little beer will do nothing." He grabbed a tall cup from the dishwasher and opened the can. "Yes or no?"

"I'm fine with juice. I don't like the taste, and if I can't even get drunk off it, no point."

With a shrug, he filled his glass to the brim. "Karen?" He slid the remaining can to his wife.

"Aden doesn't need to watch his parents drink."

"He's married," my father replied. "Not to mention, he lives with werewolves, and we're in the middle of family crisis. If he's ever going to see us drink, now's the time."

My mother let out a frustrated groan. "To hell with it." She got out the glass and put it in front of my father. She pointed a finger at me. "You will have juice. Werewolf or not, you're underage."

"Yes, ma'am." I went to the fridge and took out the apple juice.

Reaching into her purse, she took out her phone. "I'm ordering pizza. I'm way too frazzled to cook anything."

My father chuckled as he sipped his drink. "Go find a good movie, Aden. I think we all need to unwind a little."


I laid strung across the couch with Demon sleeping on my back. My life was even more boring here than at the cave. I did have TV, though. It was the only perk to being home this last week. I flipped through the channels as the detective show I was watching ended. It stopped on some reality TV, and I sunk into the couch with a moan.

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