Chapter 22: Midfield

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I jolted upright, still not fully coherent as River raced into the room and practically tackled me.

"I got an interview. They asked me to go. I might have a mate." The golden wolf hugged me tightly. "Thank you. Thank you so much." His eyes grew wide when he noticed the black werewolf lying next me with a scowl on his face. "I'm sorry. I... I didn't mean to. Sorry, I'll go." He clambered off the bed and darted out of the room.

Taking a deep breath to compose myself, I turned to Titus. "That was unexpected."

Titus rolled over and pulled the blanket over his head. "Go find him before he has a panic attack."

"He wouldn't be if you didn't look so pissed off." I slapped his arm and climbed out of bed.

"It's too early."

"Don't you have morning hunting duty." Grabbing my shirt, I pulled it over my head. "If you dad finds out you skipped again, he's going to be pissed."

"I don't want to hear it from someone who sleeps in until noon." He adjusted the pillow under his head. "He gave me the day off because I had western border patrol yesterday. I ran up and down those mountains because of some stupid rogue who left our territory before we could even catch him."

I pulled on my pants to the sound of light footsteps. "It's alright River." I went to the curtains and parted them. "You can come in. Titus is just in a mood."

A pillow hit me in the back of the head.

"Ow!" I snapped.

The large lump in the bed didn't move. The poor werewolf was exhausted. Between serving out his punishment and his dad forcing new leadership responsibility on him, Titus was running on fumes. Over the last couple weeks, he had even been too tired for sex and that was a pretty big deal.

River stood fiddling with his tail, his hands shaking. "I didn't mean to. I was just so excited, and alpha said to go tell you." He lowered his head. "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it."

The red and black werewolf appeared down the hallway, walking toward us.

"And look who's coming to wake him up," I said softly. Glancing back, I sighed. "Titus, your dad's here."

He groaned and rose up on his elbows.

"Good morning," said Xavier in a surprisingly cheerful manner.

I nodded. "I heard the good news. River has a date." I put my arm around his shoulders and rocked from side to side.

"That's why I'm here." He poked his head into the room. "Titus."

"What!" He rubbed his muzzle.

The cheerful demeanor was gone as the alpha narrowed his eyes. "We're leaving in thirty minutes. Pack a bag, and be ready to go. Nice clothes. I have some, but bring some extras."

He gave his face a confused expression. "Where? What's happening?" He scratched his head.

"They called last night. River has an interview." He patted the boy's head. "I want to bring Aden as well to help get him ready."

"'kay. Go for it." He collapsed in the bed.

"It's in Midfield."

Titus leaped up. "How long are we staying?"

"Pack for a week. Thirty minutes." He held up a clawed finger to all of us. "River wait with Aden. I have to tell Darius he's having a trial run as alpha while I'm gone." The alpha started down the hallway.

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