Chapter 3: Pack Feast

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~This chapter has an unedited version with a sexually explicit scene, which can be read for free on Radish Fiction, or on Wattpad in The Nitty Gritty which can be found on my profile~

I finished arranging all of my things. Standing in the middle of the room, I scanned the walls. It looked like two men lived here, and I was completely fine with that. The curtains parted, and Titus entered.

"Hey," he said with a smile. "Did you finish unpacking?"

Nodding, I went to him and stood on my toes. "Just before you got here."

He kissed me. Titus moved from my lips to my neck and ended at my mating bite. I jumped back and clasped the spot when a spark shot through me. I stared at him, confused.

"You're feeling it, then?"

"What?" I rubbed the spot.

Titus looped an arm around my waist and pulled me flush against him. Pulling the neck of my shirt to the side, he kissed the scar. My eyes grew wide, and I squirmed to get free. Titus just laughed, keeping a firm hold on me.

"Stop it." I spun around and prayed at his hands. "It's not funny. You messed up my body."

Titus calmed down and placed his head on my shoulder. "My healing enzymes react to my touch. Especially here."

I covered the mark before he could touch it again. "Don't be so proud of yourself," I muttered, glared at him.

"You're too cute," he chuckled.

Groaning, I fought my way out of his arms. "This," I yanked my shirt back over, "is a no touch zone. Got it?"

Titus just gave me a smirk. "Whatever you say." He held out his hand. "The feast is going to start soon."

"Thank god," I breathed. "I'm starving." I grabbed his hand and led the way into the hallway.

"A little werewolf enzyme and you've turned into a bottomless pit."

"Well I got that werewolf enzyme from you," I shot back. "So don't rub it in too much."

We entered the main chamber. Low tables run along the middle, and furs had been piled along the sides. Titus led me to the far end. The alpha and Rose were already seated. We sat down to his side. Storm was across from us chatting to her mother-in-law.

"Where's Darius at?" asked Titus.

"Problems with the middle ranks and omegas," replied Xavier.

I sucked in my lips at the word. Omega, I glanced down the table, but didn't see anyone I considered omega. I was the smallest in size. There were a few girls with hair the same color as mine, but they were clearly not omegas. I sucked in my cheek and kept examining the pack members.

"What's bugging you?" whispered Titus.

"Hmmm..." I glanced back at him, before continuing my search. "I just want to know what they look like."


"Everyone, I guess. I can't tell who falls where in this ranking system."

Titus slipped an arm around me and pulled me closer. "Everyone around us are dominants and their mates."

I looked down the line at a couple. The female had lighter hair than me, but she was ripped. Her mate was much smaller with light brown hair.

"The fur color thing is just for males," he laughed in my ear.

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