Chapter 12: Down by the River

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My first time eating raw fish, and I had to admit it wasn't that bad. River was beside me, sitting on another boulder, picking out the little bone with his claw.

"So this is what being an omega is like?" I carefully ran my finger along a piece of meat, checking for bones myself.

River shrugged. "Sometimes." One of his ear splayed to the side. "Today was a good day." He held the fish carcass up to his muzzle.

"I guess," I breathed. "Besides given Titus a heart attack, nothing really happened."

He peered up at me, still gnawing on the fish. "He really cares about you."

I nodded. "Yeah, he does." I offered him the rest of my fish.

River's was practically just scales and a head.

"You sure?" he asked, hesitant to take it. "There might not be much left for dinner."

"I'm sure. I'm full."

The omega took it with a smile and quickly licking up all the small pieces I missed.

"So," I leaned back on my arms. "What else do omegas do during the day? Any chores?"

Wide eyed, he shook his head. "I stay away from the cave. Everyone's busy, and I just get in the way."

"Oh." I sucked in my cheek. "Where are the other omegas? Do you hang out with them?"

His hands dropped into his lap, and he bowed his head. "They don't like me."

"How come? Jealous of your good looks?" I nudged his arm. "Wish they could be scrawny as us, so they could pick up some hot mates?"

River didn't respond.

"Oh... um," I bit my bottom lip. "Sorry, if I said something to offend you. I didn't mean to. It's just everyone says I'd be an omega if I wasn't mated, so I figured they all want to be sub-like... if that's even a word." I rubbed my hand down my face. "Just forget I said anything, sorry. This is still new to me," I laughed hesitantly. "Sorry."

"I get into trouble a lot," he said softly. "Alpha says it's because I don't think before I act. Darius is more blunt and says I just don't have any common sense." He took a deep breath. "If you hang around me, eventually I'll mess up, and you might be punished too." His light blue eyes flicked up. "It's okay if you want to be with them instead. I'll understand."

"Oh no," I replied casually. "I'm not ditching you."

He sucked in his lips, holding in his excitement.

I leaned over my legs. "In high school, I got picked on a lot. I know what it's like to be alone."

He flashed me a small smile.

"I'm not ditching you, River. Nice try, but it's not going to work. Besides I was demoted trying to protect you. I don't want to see you get hurt again. I get the whole ranking thing, but it's still not fair for them to push you around."

Nodding, he tossed the fish by the edge of the water and stood. "What to see something cool?" he asked.

"Sure." I stood and dusted off my shorts.

He glanced back at me. "You might want to shift. It's a bit of a climb."

"Oh," I looked around. "Do you know somewhere I can store my clothes?"

"Yeah, I'll show you."

I quickly shed them and shifted. Folding them up, I hurried after the gold werewolf. We dropped them off under an overhanging by the cave, before crossing the hot pool stream and starting down a trail.

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