Chapter 16: We're Working on It

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"Aden, upstairs now," ordered my father as he quickly stood and went to his room.

My mother came to my aid as I started gasping for air.

"Dad's not going to hurt him, right?" I breathed. "He's not going to shoot them, is he, Mom. He won't do that, right?"

"Aden, Aden, breath," she clasped my cheek. "He will not do anything. I'll be right there with him, but you need to go up to your room and stay there. Okay?"

Nodding, I hurried up the stairs to the sound of the doorbell. I stopped at the top and turned back as my mother straightened out her clothes, took a deep breath, and opened the door. My dad was right behind her, holding a shotgun.

"Oh my god." I dropped to my knees, covering my mouth.

"You're not supposed to be here, Xavier," my dad stated. "Aden is under my protection. You demoted him to an omega, and his mate attacked him. You have no right as an alpha here."

Xavier clenched his jaw. "It was a three week punishment. Something I am allowed to do, even if the werewolf is human born."

My father raised his gun. "Titus still attacked him. I'll defend my family just like you do, and right now, you're on my property, so you're no better than rogues."

"Stop, stop!" I darted down the stairs and grabbed his arm. "Please stop. Just stop."

"Aden," Titus hurried passed his brother and father. "Aden, I'm so sorry. I never mean to hurt you." He reached out for me, but I moved away.

My father stepped between us. "Get back."

"Dad," I begged. "Please, put it away. Please."

He lowered the gun. "Try and take my son without my permission, and I'll file a suit against you. We might be human, but break the agreement we have with your pack, and you'll see we can be just as deadly as werewolves."

"Quint," my mother slid between the alpha and her husband. "Enough of this. They obviously came to talk, or they would have broken down the door, grabbed Aden, and ran. They won't have come in broad daylight either." She motioned to the sky. "So we're all going to take a deep breath and go into the living room."

My dad backed into the house, keeping me behind him. "Aden, go upstairs."

"We came here to talk to Aden," stated Xavier.

"You'll talk to me," my father snapped. "I'm the one deciding if he'll ever go back with you. I will not allow his feeling for your son to get in the way of his own safety."

Darius scoffed at the statement. "They're mates."

"I have a cousin who's a great divorce lawyer," my father replied. "Give him a month, and he'll have everything settled." He cleared a path, so the three could enter. My dad watched them carefully as they filed into the living room and sat down on the couches. "Aden, upstairs now." He propped his gun against the wall in the hallway.



I retreated up the stairs. Glancing into the living room, I saw Titus sweating profusely, wringing his hand in his lap. He looked horrible.

"A gun," hissed my mother. "You have gone off the deep end." She picked it up and carried it to their bedroom.


I looked over the railing to see my father watching me.

"Your room."

I nodded and do as I was told. Closing the door, I slid down it and took a deep breath. This was so messed up.

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