Chapter 5: Bloodhound Canyon

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With Titus on border patrol and Peter with his mother-in-law picking berries, I was left alone and thoroughly bored. I swung my leg through the water and watched my reflection ripple along the surface. There was nothing to do. Drawing didn't sounded appealing. I could only clean our room so much, before it became a little too obsessive. I could call my mother. Ask her to send me some good books, but calling led to awkward conversation about married life.

With a sigh, I leaned back on my arms. Being a werewolf wasn't as exciting as I thought. If they had a good internet connection up here, I'd settle for spending the day on YouTube.

Voices came from one of the side tunnels. I watched the entrance. The noises stopped, and I couldn't see who was there. A hurt cry sounded through the cave.

I jumped to my feet and jogged over. Making a wide turn, I peered into the tunnel to find two middle ranks standing over the golden wolf. He had his arm up, blocking his face.

"Hey," I snapped. "What the hell are you doing?"

The two bigger werewolves turned to me. The taller one snarled, but the smaller slapped his side and shook his head.

"That's Titus's mate."

With gritted teeth, the taller male kicked the cowering werewolf's leg. "Mind yourself omega. Next time, no one's going to save you."

The two left, muttering back and forth.

I knelt at golden werewolf's feet. "Are you alright?"

River nodded and sat up. The poor boy was shaking.

"Can I get you anything?"

"No," he said quietly. "I'm fine. Thank you." He wiped his muzzle.

I reached out to grab his face. He flinched and closed his eyes when I turned his chin to see the cut on his cheek.

"Did they do that?"

River clasped a hand over the mark. "It's healing. I fell..." He bowed his head.

"Come on." I grabbed his hand.

"No, no." he pulled back. "I can't."

I didn't let go. "You're bleeding."

"It'll heal," he pled. "Please, I'm fine."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not like them. Hell, my rank is lower than yours."

"No, it's not," he said under his breath. "Please."

"Okay." I let go of his wrist. "You know I won't hurt you, right?"

He nodded. "Thanks for your help, but I have to go." River shifted to all fours and darted down the corridor.

I just watched him go. So this is what it meant to be an omega. He was practically scared of his own shadow, but I guess if I was the lower man on the ranking scale in a pack of werewolves, I would be too.


Titus returned from taking a shower and started to dry his hair.

I turned around in my chair, where I was sitting at the desk. "How was broader portal?"

"Boring," he sighed. "Nothing happened. We just walked around for hours. Not one single rogue to chase off."

"That's a good thing, right?" I replied sharply. "From what I hear about rogues, they don't sound like the friendliest of werewolves."

"Still," Titus shrugged with a smirk. "It makes border portal more exciting."

"Hmmm..." I tapped my pencil on my sketchbook.

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