Chapter 29: Infected

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I pulled a shirt over my head and fitted my arms through the sleeves. Glancing at my mate, I gave him a sad smile. "Did you want me to get anything for you?"

"No," he breathed, slumped over in the armchair in our room. "I'm just tired."

"After I'm done packing up River's cave, we could go swimming?"

He shrugged. "'kay."

"Maybe you should take a nap until then. It might help you feel better."

He nodded, sinking lower into the chair. His eyes were droopy and his complexion was paler than usual.

"I think the Midfield doctor should take another look at you before they leave."

"I'm fine, Aden." He waved me off. "Go pack up River's things. You're the only one that can fit in his secret hideout."

Arching a brow, I put my hand on my hip. "It's my hideout now. So watch it." I flashed him a grin before leaving the room. I wandered through the back tunnels to the secluded little cave. Taking off my shirt, I dropped to my stomach and army crawled through. All of River's treasure sat where he had left them. I grabbed a half broken plastic bin and carefully started filling it.

Pushing the bin in front of me, I crawled out and laid the trinkets along the wall.

"Aden," called Trevor, waving at me. He rolled a cart along behind him with plastic bins and protective wrapping. "You've already started."

"He has a lot of stuff in there."

Grabbing a container, Trevor sat down and started packing River's crystal in foam peanuts. "My brother packed all this. He wanted to make sure nothing was broken. River's has hardly said a word to me, but the sub practically beg me to bring back his collections when he heard I was going to Northern Ridge." He shook his head with a grin. "Has he always been that nervous?"

"More or less. It depends on the people around him." I wiggled back into the cave and returned with another load.

"How's Titus?"

I sighed, helping him wrap up some of the objects. "He's tired. Yesterday, he seemed to be getting better, but this morning," my shoulders rolled forward, "he woke up and didn't look good at all. He says he's fine, but it's not like he's going to tell me the truth. You all have pride issues." I glanced at him from the corner of my eye.

Trevor chuckled. "We're born that way."

"Whatever," I breathed, shaking my head. "Does River know why you came?"

"No." He fitted the lid onto the bin. "It's been hard for him. Adjusting to a new way of life isn't easy. You know that personally. I told Troy and let him make the decision. And, he decided not to. River is already worked up enough about figuring out civil life, he doesn't need anything else."

"That's probably for the best." Taking a deep breath, I used the lid of the bin and hurried to make a couple more trips.

It took some time, but I finally dragged everything out. After dusting myself off, I put my shirt back on and sat down to help Trevor finish up packing.

"I don't think this is going to help River adjust." I held up one of the crystals. "It'll just remind him of home."

"True, but he wants it," Trevor stacked another bin onto the cart, "and my brother is giving that boy whatever he wants."

I nodded. "I'm really glad River met your brother. He deserves a good dominant to spoil him."

"Thank god River is traditional. Because a civil sub would have run my brother clean out of money by now," he laughed. "River's a good kid. I like him a lot. For once, Troy made a smart decision."

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