Chapter 4: Dirty Laundry

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I stared at the dead animal lying at my feet. "That is really gross."

Titus laugh as his claws formed at the end of his fingers. "Sorry. I should have cut it up before you got here."

"Yeah, that would have been an amazing idea," I replied. "I'm so glad you thought of it now."

He just gave me a cheesy smirk. "That's what mates are for."

A couple other dominants entered the food chamber. Darius was among them with Storm on his arm, both in human form. He went to help his brother while Storm sat beside me.

"Looks good," said Darius.

Titus nudged him. "Yeah, thanks for helping catch it."

The red haired man eyed him. "Do you really think I wanted to go with dad. Politics are boring."

"Well, dad is sure you're going to replace him, so get use to it."

"I can only hope you're my beta." Darius slapped his brother on the back.

"Knock it off." Titus shook him off and slit the deer open.

Its guts filled out, and I felt sick. Covering my mouth, I jumped to my feet. "Excuse me."

I ran out of the room and sat down on a rock near the entrance. My face felt hot. This was getting a little too real for me. I was barely getting used to the raw meat idea. I didn't need to see exactly where the meat was coming from.

Closing my eyes, I took deep breaths.

"Aden," called Storm. She spotted me and gave me a small smile. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'll live," I replied, trying to sound convincing. My stomach was still turning, though.

She sat beside me. "That's probably a rare sight for a human."

I nodded. "First time actually."

Placing her hand on top of mine, she gave it a squeeze. "We'll just have the boys butcher it before we get there. How about that?"

"Butcher," I rubbed my forehead. "That's such a horrible word."

She laughed and pulled me to my feet. "I told them to hurry. They should be done by now."

"Let's hope."


Titus held my hand as we exited the food chamber. I glanced around at the werewolf scattered about the entrance waiting to enter. Pack feasts were a rare occasion, and I doubt we'd eat together any time soon. I noticed the group of werewolf who were all around my height standing in the far corner. They were quite skinny compared to everyone else in the pack.

"Hey." Titus yanked me over to him, before I slammed into a rock. "Quit daydreaming, before you hurt yourself," he chuckled.

"Hmmm..." I muttered. "You're too funny."

We went back to the room and lounge on the bed. Since arriving at the pack, I liked this time of night, when it was just us two. It was peaceful.

I rested my head on his shoulder. "Is what Darius said true?"

Titus glanced over at me. "Depends on what he said, but in most cases, no."

"True." I turned toward him. "The alpha, beta thing."

Titus shrugged. "I don't know. I'm pretty sure Darius is the next alpha just by the way people act around him, but I don't think I'm the beta. Rupert more likely to get the position than me."

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