Chapter 27: Run for His Life

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The way Jet looked at me made my stomach tighten. Everything was telling me to get away from him.

"I need to go." I tried to leave, but Jet slammed me back against the boulder.

I cringed as pain shot up my spine. "Let go."

He didn't listen.

"Stop it, Jet." I fought to get away.

"Where are those snide remarks now?" Jet grabbed my chin and squeezed. "Or did you finally learned to hold your tongue?" He tilted my head up to him.

I jerked it to the side. "I said stop!"

"What the hell are you doing?" Titus dropped the bundle in his arms. "Get away from my mate." He shoved Jet and pulled me behind him. "You have no right to touch him."

Raising his hands, Jet stepped back. "I'm just messing around, Titus, but you might want to watch the boy's sarcasm." His eyes flicked to me. "For a sub, he speaks his mind a little too freely.

"I didn't say anything this time. I'm sorry," I replied, clutching my mate's arm.

"It doesn't matter what happened in Midfield," stated Titus. "Don't touch him. If you have an issue, talk to me about it." Pulling me along, he started down the path.

We stopped, and I gathered up my clothes. Jet had already disappeared.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly.

"It's not your fault." He pulled me into a hug. "Jet knows not to do that. He shouldn't have touched you."

Nodding, I exhaled slowly. "Can we go home now?"

"Yeah." Titus put his arm around my shoulders and led me down the trail. "Do you feel okay?" He rubbed my arm. "You can shift, and I'll give you a ride back?" he offered as we turned a bend.

I shook my head. "No. I'm okay."

A flash of black came out from the rocks, and Titus hit the ground. I gasped, my eyes growing wide. There was blood.

"Oh my god, Titus." I went to help him.

Jet snatched my wrist and yanked me to him. "You ran your mouth a little too much, Aden." He brushed his clawed finger against my lips. "Something so pretty should learn to be silent."

Growling, Titus climbed to his feet with red staining his muzzle. "What the hell are you doing Jet!"

The dominant held me in front of him. "I've found something I like. A submissive wolf," he slid his hands down my arms, "with a little fire."

"This isn't funny." Titus reached for me. "Aden, come here. We're going home."

Jet released me.

I hurried to Titus's side. "You're bleeding."

"I'm fine." He wiped his face with his arm. "Expect a visit from my father. Aden may have said more than he should, but you took it too far. Let's go." He pressed me to his side as we passed the other man.

Jet chuckled. "For the next beta, you're stupider than I thought."

Titus's breath caught, and he lurched forward. I stood frozen when I saw Jet's claws embedded in my mate's back. Jet jerked them free, and Titus's dropped to his knees.

"It's an old tradition." The Bloodhound werewolf licked his away the blood. "Let's see if you're capable of defending your mate." He sat back on his heels by Titus's head. "Subs are for the taking. They can't fight back, so all I have to do is get rid of you, and Aden's an omega."

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