Chapter 37: Claw it Out

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~This chapter has an unedited version with a sexually explicit scene, which can be read for free on Radish Fiction, or on Wattpad in The Nitty Gritty which can be found on my profile~

The two black werewolves circled the cage.

Jet grabbed the bars behind him. "Come on, Titus. Let's see how bad you want your precious sub back."

Titus charged. Jet took a swing at him. My mate ducked and punched the future alpha in the ribs. A definite crack sounded through the room, drawing an 'ew' from the jeering crowd. Jet responded by driving his elbow into Titus's muzzle. The two separated and went back to opposing sides of the cage.

Jet hopped around with a smirk. "That's for the cheap shot at the hot pools, right?"

"Not even close," growled Titus.

The two collided again. Jet's sliced into my mate's hip as Titus bit down hard on his opponent's other arm. Blood started to speckle the ground. I hid my face in my mom's shoulder, visibly shaking. The pain in my scars was growing.

"It's okay," she whispered, rocking me back and forth. "Everything is okay. Titus can do this."

I repeated the same prayer over and over, begging god to let Titus's win.

My mate slammed Jet into the cage and received a knee to his chest. Titus staggered back, gasping for air. Both were bleeding, but Jet appeared to be in worse condition.

"Darius taught you a few things." He wiped his muzzle.

Titus didn't respond.

"I can't let you have him." Jet licked his teeth, cleaning off the blood. "He was too good of a fuck."

A blind anger overtook my mate, and he raced across the cage. Jet knocked him to the ground.

"Keep you focus, Titus," yelled Darius. "He's trying to rattle you. You got this."

Jet circled the cage as Titus's stood.

"He was beautiful," laughed Jet, "with a tight ass."

My mate charged again. I screamed for him to stop. He couldn't win in this mindset, and Jet clearly knew that as he slammed Titus's to the mat. The larger werewolf climbed on top of my husband. A pain erupted from Titus's mark. I clasped the area.

"Aden?" My mother moved my hair off my forehead. "Aden? Tell me what's wrong, sweetheart." She hugged me as I struggled to breathe.

Something was happening in my body. I hated the feeling. I wanted Jet to die. I hated him. I hated everything about him. This horrid mark on my shoulder. The cheer from the crowd grew frantic. I glanced over to see Jet overpowering my mate, close to ending it. I hated him. My claws formed from my fingers, and I dug them deeper into his mark. Jet jerked back like he had been punched in the stomach. I'd rip his mark out before I'd go with him.

"Aden!" My mother grabbed my wrist.

I shoved her off me and clawed at my own skin.

Jet fell off balanced, and Titus took the opening. He rolled them over and clamped his jaw around his opponent's neck. Jet scraped his claws at my husband's sides. I dug mine even deeper into my shoulder. He gagged, and his head fell back. The black werewolf's body started to spasm before growing still.

A relief flooded my body and took the air from my lungs. Inhaling sharply, I sunk into my chair. It was gone. I could feel it. Jet's enzyme was no longer in my body.

"Open the door!" order Trevor.

The guard did so, and a team hurried in. They pulled my mate off Jet and removed the body.

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