Chapter 21: Submissive Charm

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"Oh River," I called, hurrying over to where he sat by the hot pools. "I have good news for you."

He glanced over his shoulder. "What?"

Taking the spot next to him, I gave him a big smile. "Someone just asked for your name."

His mouth fell open, and he stared at me wide-eyed.

"He was really cute too."

A grin played on his lips. "I... I need to go talk to alpha. Bye." He clambered to his feet and did his best not to run with his tail swishing back and forth.

I'd say today was a success. Parents gone, no problems with Titus, River might even have a mate, and all before dark. Laying back, I watched the light from the lanterns reflect across the ceiling. I just want this to work out for River. He deserved a good man in his life.

Footsteps approached. I turned over to see a black werewolf, but it wasn't Titus.

"Aden," said Jet.

"Hi." I sat up. "Aren't you supposed to at some meeting or dominant party?" I laughed. "That seems to be all you guys have been doing lately."

He shrugged, glancing around. "I slipped out early. I've heard it all before. I'm not new to this like Titus." He sat down.

I scooted back against a boulder and wrapped my arms around my legs. "I'm getting the impression there's a lot that goes into running a pack."

Jet nodded. "It's a job. We don't get to relax all day and just order people around, if that's what you're suggesting."

I shrugged. "Nope. I've never seen Xavier fully relax. He's usually uptight about something."

Shaking his head, Jet laughed softly. "You're a very weird sub. You know that?"

"Hmmm... well Mr. Single, you probably have some quirk yourself."

His laughter grew. "I supposed. I prefer your type over those other two."

"Who? River and Peter?"

He nodded. "Too skittish. Your alpha offered the one, but he's not the boy for me."

"Well, he might be off the market," I stated firmly. "You're loss."

Jet rolled his eyes. "So what happened with you and Titus? I heard he went off the rail and hit you."

Sucking in my cheek, I gazed off across the water. "The hormones got to him."

"They never got to me. Hurting your mate," he shook his head, "it's pathetic. You need to have more control than that to be a leader."

I arched a brow. "He made a mistake. I'm over it."

"Still. If you had been mine, it never would have happened. I'd never treat my mate that way."

"I doubt you're perfect." I stood and dusted off my pants.

"I'd do a better job than your mate."

I scoffed at his comment. "Titus is doing just fine."

"So hurting you to the point WIR got involved, is doing just fine? What kind of delusional world do you live in. He hurt you once; he'll do it again."

Narrowing my eyes, I took in a deep breath. "I'm human born. Things work differently for me, and there's no way in hell Titus would ever hurt me again. Besides the first time was an accident. He didn't mean to do it."

"Accident are usually just cover up for what really happened." He rose to his feet, but I didn't back down to the werewolf.

"Why do you even care?" I snapped. "It's my marriage. It doesn't involve you."

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