Chapter 9: A Bacon Concoction

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~This chapter has an unedited version with a sexually explicit scene, which can be read for free on Radish Fiction, or on Wattpad in The Nitty Gritty which can be found on my profile~

I was still trying to catch my breath when I heard Titus's voice coming down the hall. I had barely made it in time. After making sure the cake was mostly in one piece, I stood in front of the doorway to wait for him. Hopefully this worked out okay.

"Aden, I'm back," he parted the curtains and sniffed the air. "Something smells really good."

I hugged the black werewolf. "Happy birthday."

He shifted to human and kissed my cheek. "Ah, thank you. At least, someone being nice to me today. Darius is seriously on one." Titus went to his stack of clothes and grabbed clean shorts. "The hunt didn't go so well, and of course he blames me." My mates shook his head. "It's been awhile since I've seen him that uptight, but my dad did chewed him out for slacking on his responsibilities." Once dressed, he stood up and straight and flashed me a grin. "So I can guess what was in the box."

Grabbing his hand, I led him over to the desk. "Surprise." I waved my hand over the cake covered in crumbled up bacon. It looked alright for an ameature frosting job. My mom would have been proud.

"Aden." He pressed me to his side. "Thank you. This is really sweet of you."

"Blow out the candles and then we can have some."


I picked up the box of matches my mom had sent and struck one. The wick lit above the number four, before I lit the number two.

"24," Titus breathed. "I'm getting old."

"Tell me about it," I said dramatically. "I married an old geezer."

He pushed up behind me and draped his arms over my shoulders. "Hmmm... I did luck out and score myself a sexy twink."

My mouth fell open, and I peered back at him. "Where did you even hear that word?"

Titus laughed. "I'm more verse in human gay culture than you think." He winked at me.

I glanced at the candles. "You better blow them out before the wax drips."

"Are you going to sing to me?"

My face flushed red. "It's weird to just do it by myself."

"But I want to hear that fun song we sang at your birthday."

"Fine," I breathed.

I did a horrible rendition of Happy Birthday, muttering through some of the parts. Titus was enjoying himself, though. He had a huge smile on his face throughout the whole song. Once I finished, he leaned down and blew out the candles.

"This is so fun," he chuckled. "I love how humans celebrate things. I've been wanting to try blowing out candles since your birthday."

Seeing how happy he was made today worth it. Titus might be 24, but he was still an overgrown pup, who got excited about the simplest of things.

Opening the package of paper plates and silverware, I cut up the cake and dished us each a slice. "I did vanilla. Hopefully, it's not too sweet."

He gave me a quick peck on the lips. "I'm used to it, since you're so sweet."

I rolled my eyes. "You're so cheesy."

Titus beamed at me. He was a little too proud of himself.

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