Chapter 36: Begin

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The doctor removed my IV and pressed a gauze to the entry point. I held it there myself as he stepped back to make way for Trevor, who stood wearing a suit waiting to take me to the ring.

"The drugs should continue to work until the fight is over. Then you'll be as good as new."

"Depends on who wins." I dropped my gaze to the floor.

Trevor tossed some black shorts onto the bed. "Changes into those. It's not only Bloodhound and Northern Ridge here, and we have to make it look official. I can't risk this dispute going any further. Some of these werewolves are a little too inclined towards the idea of starting a war."

Grabbing them, I sucked in my lips. "Whoever wins..." I whispered. "I really feel like an omega right now." I rubbed my face. "I have no say in anything."

"Aden." Trevor placed his hand on my shoulder and leaned down to my level. "Believe in your mate. Titus is ready for this. He'll win it for you."

I nodded, taking in a calming breath. "I'm going to use the bathroom before we go."

"Alright." He took a couple steps back.

Taking the shorts with me, I shuffled across the room. I closed the door behind me and let all my frustration out. Slamming my fist against the counter, I wiped away hot tears with the back of my arm. I wish there was a way to turn a werewolf into a human. Titus and I could leave this world. We could both go to college and be normal, but that was never going to happen. After washing my face, I put on the shorts and went back to the bedroom.

"No shirt." Trevor pulled it over my head.


He threw it on the bed. "They need to see these." The future alpha motioned to the bright red scars. "Let's go. We're already running late."

Ushering me from the room, he led the way down the hall. Other Midfield dominants walked with us in werewolf form. I swallowed hard. My heart rate was climbing, and I was starting to feel a little light headed.

Trevor moved up to my side. "Let me know if you're going to faint."

"I'm fine."

"I literally just watched the color drain from your skin. If it's too much, tell me."

I nodded. We stopped in front of an elevator. The doors parted, and we filed inside. I held onto the railing. My legs were shaking. I slid down the wall and took deep breaths. Whispering a prayer, I begged god to protect Titus, to please just let him win. The room stopped moving.

Trevor helped me up. "Are you sure you can make it?"

Forcing a smile, I nodded. "I feel okay. I'm just nervous."

He let me be but didn't move far from my side. We walked down a hallway. A woman in white left a side room. I glanced inside to see a bed and other medical equipment. Trevor closed the door when we passed, nodding toward one of his men. He went to talk to the woman. I glanced back and saw the werewolf herding her back into the room.

"Stay beside me." Trevor put his arm around my shoulders as we entered the ring.

Hundreds of werewolf in a mixture of forms were packed into the large room. I glanced around surprised by the sheer number of everyone there. It felt more like a spectacle than an honorable fight between werewolves.

"Aden!" yelled a voice. "Aden, sweetheart."

My head snapped to the side. "Mom? How? Who told you?"

"Xavier flew us in this morning. Oh, good heaven. Look what they've done to you." She tried to reach me, but one of the dominants growled at her and blocked the way. "Excuse me, but that is my child."

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