Chapter 20: Definitely Tall Enough

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"Titus?" The curtain parted, and the alpha stuck his head into the room.

"Hey dad, just give me a second, and we can go." The black werewolf splashed some water from a bowl on his head and patted down his fur.

Xavier cleared his throat and pushed River forward. "I also came to drop him off as well. We already had a talk about what's going to be happening today."

I gave River a knowing smile from where I sat on the edge of the bed. "You're going to be so hot when Peter and I get done with you. I'm sure we'll find you a man."

The golden werewolf stared at his feet, fiddling with his tail. He was trying really hard not to smile.

"Don't have too much fun." Titus ruffled my hair as he passed.

I glared at him as I flattened it. "Yeah like you at leadership training with your brother."

Titus groaned and went with his father into the hall. Xavier's voice could be heard lecturing his son about his important role as future beta.

"Come sit down." I nodded to the spot beside me.

River shuffled over and sat crossed legged. He continued to pick at his fur.

"Are you nervous?"

He nodded.

"Well, I've enlisted Peter, and he's an expert."

He bowed his head. "Thank you, for doing this. It means a lot."

I put my arm around his shoulder. "Come on, don't get all sentimental on me." I rubbed his back. "I don't want you to be an omega forever. You deserve better."

With a smile, he ran his hands up and down his legs. "Okay," he took a deep breath. "When do we start?"

"Right now." I grabbed his wrist and led him out the door. "Let's get you a husband."

"A mate," he said nervously. "A mate would be fine."

"Same thing." I stood outside my neighbor's cave. "Peter, we're here."

The curtains pulled to the side and gave us a both a grin. "I'm all ready. Hey, River, I'm Peter."

"I know," he piped up.

I could see a faint blush under his fur. Peter seemed a little surprised by his reaction.

"It's just..." River lowered his gaze. "Well, I... You're so beautiful. Your fur, I'm sorry. It just. Oh my god." Covering his face, he inched behind me.

The white werewolf just laughed. "Thanks. Let me grabbed my bag, and we can get started."

After retrieving his assortment of soap, Peter led the way to the hot pools. We went to the waterfalls. A few pack members were there, but none of the visitors. I guess the meeting was for everyone. Peter started setting out his things as River looked on, fidgeting.

"Well get over here." I took him by the arm and placed him on a rock above the water.

He sat up straight, looking around nervously.

"I know what I'm doing, River." Peter popped the lid off a bottle. "I promise I won't make your fur fall out."

He froze, glancing between us.

I patted his leg. "He's teasing." I took off my clothes and shifted.

"Oh," he breathed, relaxing.

Peter squirted some soap on top of the golden werewolves head and started scrubbing it in. The foam turned brown. We both stood behind him giving each other concerned looks.

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