Chapter 24: Men are Complicated

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~This chapter has an unedited version with a sexually explicit scene, which can be read for free on Radish Fiction, or on Wattpad in The Nitty Gritty which can be found on my profile~

"River! River, where are you?" I brushed my dripping hair out of my eyes. The rain had completely soaked through my jacket. I had been searching for him for nearly half an hour "River!" I hurried down a path near a stream.

A scream sounded from behind me.

"River!" I spun around and hurried toward it. I arrived to find Troy kneeling on the ground by an overgrown bush.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He reached for the golden werewolf. "I'm here to help. Please, River."

The golden wolf scooted back.

I went to Troy's side. "River?"

"Aden," River breathed. Lunging forward, he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's alright." I rubbed his back. "Everything's fine." I held him out in front of me. "You're shaking. Come on. Let's go inside and dry off."

He nodded and stood. I kept my arm around him as we went back to the mansion. Troy followed. We stepped inside and head to the front entryway. My mate and Xavier met us there with a maid, carrying a stack of towels. She passed them out.

I took off my jacket and handed it to the maid. Titus put a towel around my shoulders and used another to dry my hair. I pressed against him. His fur was dry and warm and held drive the cold out of my frozen fingers. River stood with his head down, holding one to his muzzle.

Xavier folded his arms, peering down his nose at the boy. "Do you know how much trouble you cause?"

The golden werewolf's tail wrapped around his leg. "I'm sorry."

Xavier sighed. "I let things get carried away. It's my fault. Come here." The alpha pulled River to his side. "You worried me." He put his hands on the werewolf's shoulders. "Do you know how anger my mate would have been if something had happened? She would have been cross with me for months."

"I'm sorry," the werewolf said softly.

"It's fine. It's over." Xavier took the towel and scrubbed it over the boy's head. His eyes landed on Troy. "I spoke with your brother."

The tall man rubbed the back of his neck. "As soon as I can."

The alpha nodded. "Come on. Let's get you both cleaned up."

We went back to our rooms. The alpha took River to the other bathroom as Titus and I took a shower together. I took off my dripping clothes and wrung them out in the tub. Titus already had the water going when I stepped into the stall. Shower heads sprayed us from every which way. One poured like a waterfall over our heads. The hot water made my skin prickle, but it felt too good to wait until I was used to the temperature. I laid my head on his chest and put my arms around his waist.

Titus shifted to human. "You're freezing."

"I'll warm up quick enough," I replied. "When are we leaving?"

He put his arms around me. "My dad calmed down a bit, so I'm not sure. Trevor tracked us both down and apologized. David will be punished for what he said. Trevor is pretty much the alpha already. The current one is just taking his time to step down." His eyes met mine. "I found out he called River a dog. That's what set my dad off."

"Oh, wow," I breathed. "Not something to say to a werewolf."

He gave me a stern look. "Never do. It's the worst insult you could say to my kind."

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