Chapter 34: Two Mates

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I didn't move. My body felt heavy, and I had barely slept all night. I wasn't ready to face him. Not like this.

"Aden, I know you're in there," said Titus in a raspy voice. "Darius explained what happened, why you have that mark on your shoulder."

I curled into a ball, biting my fingernail.

"Look, Aden, you know I would never blame you. None of this is your fault. I'm the one who made you a werewolf. I'm the one who couldn't protect you."

Crawling over to the opening, I sat beside it just out of view. "I'm sorry."

"Don't," he said firmly. "You did it for me. Am I happy about it, no. Honestly, it pisses me off, but that's not directed at you. I'd never blame you for what happened. Jet gave you no other choice." He was silent for a moment. "Though, I wish there had been another."

Resting my chin on my knees, I sat very still.

"I know you, Aden," he stated. "It would've been so hard for you to go through that. Surrounded by strangers, and letting someone you barely even know mate with you." Titus sighed. "You saved my life and did what any mate would. I just wish I could have been stronger, so you didn't have to go through it." He groaned. "Aden, please come out. I want to make this better, and I can't while you're in there."

I dropped to my stomach and crawled through the opening. Titus gave me a smile from where he sat on a rock. His complexion looked better. Not perfect, but much better than usual. His skin has some color to it.

He held out his arms for me. I fell into them and straddled his legs.

Titus pressed my head to his shoulder. "It's okay."

"I'm so sorry."

"I'm not mad." He pulled me closer. "Everything about the situation sucks, but I'm not angry at you." He rubbed circles on my back. "You've had me wrapped around your finger since the beginning. You could do whatever the hell you wanted, and I'd still never let you go."

Sitting up, I kissed him. "Can you shift?"

He smiled. "I'm not supposed to. I guess there's something about fur getting in the way, and my dad gave me this whole lecture about it this morning before I came to find you."

"Did you tell them I ran away?"

"No." He ran his fingers through my hair. "I just told them you were hungry. I wanted to talk to you about it without anyone else around."

Nodding, I relaxed against him. I liked the way Titus looked as human, but there was something comforting about him in his true self. Fur brushed against my skin.

"Don't get mad if I blame it on you."

"I won't." I tightened my hold on him. "I'm so glad you're okay."

He lifted my chin and gave me a simple kiss. His brows pinched together as he touched my face. "You feel warm."

I shrugged. "I had to run all the way here yesterday, and I'm feeling it now."

Titus tucked my head under his chin. "Is it just that you're sore?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm not feeling good. I should probably eat something and that might help."

My mate stood and grabbed my hand. "You don't look good at all." He kept pressing his hand to my face. "I think the medical team should take a look at you before they leave."

"No." I forced a smile. "I'm fine. I'm just tired."

We stood. Titus put his arm around my shoulders, and I fell into his side. It was the comfort I needed.

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