Chapter 14: Run

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I stood outside my parents house, stained in blood, and soaking wet with my clothes barely holding together. Shifting back to human, I stumbled up the sidewalk.

Wiping my face, I pressed the doorbell. The familiar tone played throughout the house. I waited, but nothing happen. My eyes started to burn as I feared the worst. Where would I go if they weren't home? I pressed the button again and again. Demon started barking and pawing at the door.

Tears started to fall. Titus has hit me. I shouldn't have went on the roof, but after he tried so hard to protect me from his dad's toxin, I didn't understand why he would do this.

A large dark form stumbled out of my parents' room. The lights in the hallway turned on along with the one above the front step.

My father opened the front door, and I heard his breath catch.


I fell into his chest and just sobbed. Everything was ruined. My marriage was over, because of something so stupid.

"Quint," called my mother. "Quint, who's there? Demon hush," she snapped as the shih tzu ran down the hallway.

My father brought me into the house and closed the door.

Finishing tying her robe, my mother stepped out of her bedroom. "Oh my god, Aden." She ran over and cupped my face. "Oh my god, oh my god." Her hand hovered over my chest. "What have they done to you?" She hugged me tightly.

I clung to her, taking deep breaths. "I messed up."

"No, sweetheart. Don't say that." She held me in front of her and patted my cheek. "Whatever happened we will fix it? Everything will be just fine."

I collapsed into her embrace and laid my head on her shoulder. "Titus hit me."

Her arms tensed around me.

My father's teeth grounded together. "He did what?"

"I made a mistake," I breathed, pushing back my hair. "I didn't mean to. I'm sorry."

My mother hushed me. "Right now we are all going to take a deep breath. Aden?"

I looked into her eyes.

"Does Xavier know you're here?"

I shook my head. "I ran here. I panicked. I didn't know what to do, so I ran."

"It's alright." She put her arms around me and rocked back and forth. "We are going to take this slow. Quint," she glanced toward the phone.

He nodded.

"Your father will straighten this out." She wrapped an arm around my waist and led me through their bedroom to the bathroom. "We're going to get you cleaned up and to bed. Why are you soaking wet?" She tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"It was raining in the mountain."

"You're so cold." She rubbed her hand up and down my arms.

She sat me down on the toilet and began filling their large jet tub. It was rarely ever used. My mom said it was a waste of water and just used the bathroom upstairs, along with something about hair clogging the jets.

"I figured you needed something a little more than a hot bath."

I smiled. "Thanks mom."

She sat on the edge and patted the spot at her side. I moved over and lowered my head.

"I'm your mother." She rubbed my back. "Being married to a werewolf doesn't change that. Now, I'm going to go change, and you hop in." She stood and handed me a hand towel. "Put that around your waist, because I'm coming back to check those cuts." She motioned to my chest.

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