Chapter 32: All Mine

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~This chapter has an unedited version with a sexually explicit scene, which can be read for free on Radish Fiction, or on Wattpad in The Nitty Gritty which can be found on my profile~

It had been nearly a week. I couldn't say it had been horrible either. Jet brought me more clothes. He even found a notebook and a mismatched set of colored pens. He hadn't tried to do more than hugging me. Really the only thing that would make my stay turn for the worse was if we mated, and that was kind of what I was hoping would happen.

Jet had left early on hunting duty. With WIR no longer sending supplement meat, it took more men to get to the required number of kills.

It was getting late, and he still hadn't come back. Having grown tired of the books I was listening to on my own, I gathered the bathroom supplies and went to the hot pools. A couple women were there giving their pups baths.

I slipped behind a rock and took off my clothes before shifting. Walking into the water, I swam out to the center and floated around for a bit. Something hit my side. I put my feet down to see a ball bobbing beside me. Grabbing it, I glided over to the pup.

The little brown werewolf gave me a shy smile.

I held it out to him. "Is this yours?"

He nodded and took it back.

"Do you want to play catch?"

"Oh, you don't have to," said his mother.

"It's fine. I'm not doing anything," I said with a shrug.

I swam out into the deep water, and we tossed the ball back and forth. The pup had an arm. I think he was purposely trying to throw it as far as possible, so I'd have to swim to the rocks to get it. The little guy cocked back his fist and hurled the ball through the air. It hit a rock sticking out of the water and bounced onto a higher ledge.

I shook my head at him with a smile. "You're making me work." Climbing up the boulders, I found it and threw it to him.

Jet was standing in the entryway. The pup spotted him and went back to his mother to sit in her lap. I jumped down and swam over to meet him. Quickly gathering my things, I caught up with him in the hallway.

"You're dripping everywhere."

"Oh," I looked at the puddled at my feet, "sorry."

"It's fine. It'll dry." He took my towel and held it up. "Shift, and this will be easier."

"True." I did so and hurried to put the towel around my waist. "Thanks."

We went back to the room.

I put my stuff away and slipped on some shorts. "How did things go?"

Jet shrugged. "We met our quota, so pretty good. Took all day, and then I had to figure out some stuff with my dad for the rest of it."

"Sounds like tons of fun." I sat down on the couch beside him.

He rested the arm along the back, propping up his head. "Sorry, I left you alone."

"It's fine. I listened to some of my book and drew."

"Once things quiet down, I'll be able to spend more time with you." He brushed his hand against my cheek. "Did you eat?"

I nodded. "A girl brought by food."

"That's good." Jet thumb rubbed my lips. He leaned in to kiss me.

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