Chapter 31: Audiobooks

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Jet returned with a bundle of clothes in his arms. "I found these for you. You prefer human form, right?"

I nodded, clasping my shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I hugged my limbs closer to my chest.

"Is it hurting?" He climbed across the bed and pulled the blanket over. "It's still pretty red." Jet licked the scar.

I couldn't help but sigh at the immediate relief. My head fell further out of the way. The pain was just one more thing for me to deal with, and I wanted it to go away.

"How's that? Better?"

I nodded.

"Hmmm..." He lifted my chin. "You're acting more like a sub than usual."

Jerking back, I move away from him.

"Now that is Aden," Jet laughed.

Facing the wall, I clenched my jaw.

"It's going to be hard to make this work, if you won't even talk to me."

"I have nothing to say," I muttered.

"Well, then don't." He laid down with his arms stretched out to either side. "Xavier is not very happy with you."

Sucking in my lips, I bowed my head. "We didn't ask."

"I'm getting that impression." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him.

Hesitantly, I laid down and rested my head on his biceps.

Jet curled his arm around me and played with my hair. "He told us if we didn't want a war, we better hand you over."

"He wants to send me back to my parents if Titus doesn't get better."

"Humans," Jet scoffed. "You'll never fit in with them. Even human born struggle with it. There's no better place for you than with a pack. If you stayed with Northern Ridge, you'd be an omega. It's better this way."

"I won't become an omega, if you'd heal Titus."

He yanked me under him and placed his forearms on either side of my head. I stared up at the large werewolf, wide-eyed.

"Don't talk about him anymore. I fought that man because I wanted you. Dying for a mate is a worthy death for a werewolf. A common one. I didn't do all this just to heal him because you ask. I want you." He laid down on top of me. "I won't give you back to Northern Ridge. You're Bloodhound now."

"'kay," I whispered.

Falling to his side, he wrapped his arms around me and tucked my head under his chin. This wasn't turning out to be as easy as I thought it would.


I woke to find Jet's arm laying across my chest. I tried to pull away but stopped when his grip tightened on me.

"How'd you sleep?"

I relaxed into the bed. "Fine."

"You were out. You barely moved at all."

I turned my head away. "Yesterday took a lot out of me. I didn't sleep much after you left."

He nuzzled my neck, curling around me. "With time, you'll be okay."

Rolling over, I just let him hold me. I felt nothing. Even if he liked me, I had no feelings for him in return, yet somehow I had to act like I actually gave a damn about him.

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