Chapter 11: Breakfast

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My first married fight, and I felt like an idiot. I was stuck in werewolf form to boot, because I was too stubborn to go back to the hot pools for my clothes. They might not even be there anymore, so why bother.

Letting out a sigh, I examined my claws. Thankfully, the water had washed away all traces of blood. Hurting Darius was wrong, but still. I don't care if River stole a little food; he didn't deserve that. I leaned back against the wall behind me and folded my arms.

River was the reason I was in trouble, and I hadn't even stuck around to make sure he was okay. I doubt Darius was going to heal the omega's wounds.

Glancing around the area, I rested my chin on my knees. I could probably hid back here for three weeks. My stomach started growling, or until I die of starvation. I should have gotten something to eat before all this happened.

I started drawing pictures in the dirt by my feet. I could call my mom, but her finding out I'd been demoted, sounded like a horrible idea. Either she'd lecture me for breaking the rules, or drive up here and yelled at the alpha, probably getting me into more trouble. Taking a deep breath, I came to the conclusion I was going to have to suck it up and serve out my sentence.

Titus had been demoted, while we were dating. He had to do more chores. I chewed on my claw. I didn't think omega did chores. They just hid and tried to avoid everyone at all cost.

"Damn it," I hissed, covering my face. "It's high school all over again."

With a groan, I flopped over on my side. It was getting dark out, but I wasn't ready to see Titus again. I was acting like a dramatic teenager, but in my defense, I was eighteen. I just happened to be married.

My ear flicked to the side to the sound of footsteps. Rolling onto my stomach, I thought about finding a new hiding place, but Titus's scent soon filled the air.



"What are you doing?"

"Moping," I muttered. "It's what all the omegas do nowadays for fun."

"Aden," he breathed. He sat down by my head. "Come here," he said, tapping my arm.

"No." I rolled away from him and fiddled with my tail. "I'm pissed at you."

"I'm not exactly thrilled with the situation either," he said in an airy voice. "Why Aden? Why did you attack, Darius? Out of everyone in the pack, why him?"

"So your dad would've been a better choice?"

He nudged my leg with his foot. "Don't be a smart ass."

"Knock it off." I scooted closer to the wall, so I was out of his reach.

"My god," he breathed, rubbing his face. "You're reminding me of your age."

"Excuse me," I spun around and glared at him. "I have a right to be mad. If you had chosen the other options, like I told you too, the punishment would've been almost over."

"Have you forgotten what toxins feel like? Just because mine don't affect you doesn't mean you're immune."

I sunk back to the ground. "But I have your healing enzyme thingy," I muttered.

"Exactly, I know how bad it hurts, and it would've been worse for you. The enzyme is strongest right after sex, but dies off after that." He wrung his hands together. "I didn't want to put you through that. I'd rather deal with this omega options instead. Even as one, no one will touch you. Once the three weeks are up, I'd beat the shit out of anyone who does."

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