Chapter 28: Aftermath

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We waited quietly for word about Titus. I sat between Rose and Storm, trying to stay awake. My body wanted to sleep, but I wouldn't let it. Not until I knew if Titus was okay.

Voices sounded down the hallway. Half asleep, I clambered to my feet and nearly fell as I ran to the doorway. Ruben and Darius carried the black werewolf into the middle of the room.

Rose quickly threw out a hide. "Lay him here. I'll get the supplies."

I covered my mouth, breathing heavily. His fur couldn't conceal the blood.

"Hey," Darius lifted his brother's head. "Hey, Titus."

He groaned and peered up at the red werewolf.

"You need to shift alright, so we can treat your wounds."

His head fell back, and he whined in pain. My chest tightened. I did this to him, because of me, Jet tried to kill him. The fur started to pull back as his body transformed. Before I could see the extent of his injury, a hand covered my eyes.

"You need to rest, Aden," said the alpha. He turned me around.

"I want to help."

"There's nothing you can do. His healing enzyme is stronger than yours. You're going to have to let us take care of him."

"But I-"

"No," he said firmly.

Bowing my head, I nodded.

"You can sleep in my room." He patted my shoulder. "As soon as we treat his injuries, you can be with him."

Swallowing hard, I continued to nod.

"Alright, come on." He put his arm around my shoulders and led me to his private quarters, making sure to block Titus's from my view. He lifted the deer hide and ushered me through.

"Xavier," called Rose. She hurried to her mate's side. "Help Darius. I'll take care of him."

She took me to the bed and placed a blanket over it. I laid down, trying to remain calm. After tucking another quilt around me, Rose turned off the lantern and left me in the dark. I could hear Titus moving around mixed with soft cries. I did that to him. I did all of this to him.


I woke, and by the lack of light coming in through the doorway, it was still night. Sitting up, I felt a little better, but still mentally drained. I climbed to my feet and tiptoes to the door. Pulling the flap to the side, I saw everyone strung out across the room. Titus was sleeping in the middle with bandages covering his chest and arms. I crept over and slipped under the blanket draped over him. Pressing into his side, I put my arm over his chest.

"Titus," I whispered.

His head rolled towards me, and he smiled. "Hey, beautiful."

I felt like crying and hid my face from him.

"Don't be like that." He moved his arm, so it was wrapped around me. "I'd do anything for you, Aden." He squeezed me to him. "You're mom would kill me if I didn't."

"Stop it," I said close to tears.

"Too soon," he breathed. "Too soon."

"It's always too soon. Every time you get hurt, you make a joke about it, and it's always my fault. I love you," I stated. "And I wish I could have done something to help."

"You did. You ran all the way here with Jet chasing you and got help. You were really brave," he stated. "But I'll wait awhile before making any more jokes. I just wanted to see you smile, that's all."

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