Chapter 7: Submissive in Some Things

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"Here they are." Titus dropped a box with one stacked on top on the ground. "Rose had put them in storage."

I opened the top and started taking out the books. Finally, something else for me to do while Titus was gone. Not to mention most were werewolves themed, and it would be interesting to read about thing from their point of view.

"The supply truck just got here too."

"Okay, I think I got everything ready." I went over to make sure our laundry bags were properly labeled.

Titus walked up behind me, and I felt something brush against my ear.

I knocked his hand away. "Cut it out."

He did it again, and I snatched his wrist.

"I said stop it."

The man smiled at me. "You're really cute in this form."

Narrowing my eyes at him, I felt my ears lay back. "All my clothes are dirty."

"Then use some of mine," he teased, before wandering over to the bed and flopping down on his stomach. His tail flicked back and forth.

Cinching up the top of the bag, I stood. "You're twice my size. I'd look like I was wearing a dress in your shirt."

"Well, you could try walking around in werewolf form more often." He peered over his shoulder. "Then you won't be out of clothes. I still have plenty."

"It's too hot for that." I swung the bag around and dropped it. The air rushed out of his lungs, and he groaned.

"My mate just needs to buy me more," I stated, putting my hands on my hips. "Send for a catalog, and I'll even mark everything I want."

Titus rolled over and sat up. "Yes sir," he chuckled.

I grabbed the other bag and held out my hand for him. He hurried to my side, and we walked to the main chamber together. Peter and Rupert were also dropping off their laundry and looking through the stack for their bags of clean clothes. I tossed mine on the pile.

"Hey Aden," Darius waved and walked over to me. "You're mom sent you a package." He looked down the list he was holding. "And what is this about some last minute order of fruit?" He lifted up the order sheet and read the next page. "And sugar cookies, chocolate, what the hell is this?" He looked to his brother. "They all have your name by it."

Titus dropped his load. "He wanted chicken too, so be happy I talk him out it."

"Chicken," spat Darius, scrunching up his face. "Human meat, if it doesn't taste good raw what's the point."

Folding my arms, I raised an eyebrow and looked between the two. "I am human. I wasn't born with fur, like you two. I won't even be in his form," I pressed my hand to my chest, "if someone would've schedule the delivery properly like they're supposed to."

Darius rolled his eyes. "I forgot." He shrugged. "We were busy with Bloodhound. It slipped my mind."

"Have they left yet?" asked Titus.

"About to," Darius laughed to himself. "The old alpha slept in, or they'd already be gone."

"Don't let Oscar hear you say that," replied Titus.

I cleared my throat. "So about those packages?"

"Outside, there's a stack of them."

"Titus, we have three bags of laundry over there somewhere," I motioned to the stack. "Could you find them?"

"Sure." He squeezed Darius's shoulder. "And I'm so glad you're here to help me."

"Like hell," he snapped.

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