Chapter 26: Follow Your Instincts

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"Bye." I hugged River.

"Yeah," he whispered, looking close to breakdown.

"River," I said sternly. "This isn't forever. I'm going to come visit, or you could take your fiance to Northern Ridge. You could hunt some rabbits and go fishing the traditional way." I bumped his arm.

He tried not smile and put a hand over his new engagement mark.

"You're going to be okay. Alright?" I hugged him again. "If you need anything or just want to talk, call." I stepped back and sighed. "Heaven knows I'm bored as hell most of the day."

That earned me a real smile.

"Okay, I will." He waved at Titus. "Bye."

"Troy is a great guy. You'll be fine."

The golden haired boy looked to Xavier. "Bye, alpha."

Xavier chuckled and put his arms around the sub. "I'll miss you, River."

"Really?" He peered up at the alpha with a confused expression.

My father-in-law patted his head. "Yes, but I'm glad you found someone. I know that's what you wanted."

River nodded, clutching his arm at the elbow. "I guess I'll see you all soon."

We all gave a final wave and goodbye before heading out the front door.

I grabbed Titus's hand. "I think he'll be okay."

"Stop worrying. Did you see the diamond Troy gave him as an engagement present? The man is done for, he's completely fallen for the boy."

"Well, being a little obsessed is common among werewolves."

Titus eyed me. "Meaning?"

"You did pretty much stalk me when we had to break up that one time," I said with a smirk.

He snatched my arm and tickled me.

"Stop it," I laughed, batting his hands away. "Knock it off. People are watching."

"You've been on one this week." He put his arm around my neck and pulled me to him.

"A little bit."

We arrived at the car, but Xavier went to another one.

"See you all tomorrow."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"On a detour." Titus opened the car door for me. "My dad thought we could use some one on one time."

I smiled him before standing on my toes and giving him a kiss. "This should be exciting."


"What the hell is this?"

"Isn't it great!" Titus held out his arms with the row of booths behind him. "It's Midfield's Annual Barbecue Festival."

I arched a brow. "And why are we here?"

"It's meat," he said with a shrug. "Good meat."

Folding my arms, I arched a brow. "Really Titus? We finally get to have a trip together and you take me to a barbecue festival."

"I have other stuff planned." He grabbed my hand. "This is just the first stop."

He led me down the rows of stalls cooking up an assortment of meats with their own unique sauce. At first, I hadn't been too thrilled about his choice for a couple's getaway, but as my stomach started to growl, I was getting into it. Titus was in heaven and wanted a sample of everything. I followed behind him, taking little pieces since he ordered way too much.

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