Chapter 8: An Egg Hunt

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Titus was gone, and he won't be back until afternoonish, hopefully. It depended if they caught something quick, or if they eat before coming back to the cave. That gave me four hours to somehow make a cake.

I peeked into the alpha's cave. "Rose? Rose, are you here?"

She stepped out of her private room. "Aden, what are you up to?"

I fidgeted with the box in my hand. "I sorta need your help."

"Well, come in."

I shuffled forward, biting my lip.

"What do you need?"

"Today's Titus's birthday, and I wanted to bake him a cake."

Shaking her head, Rose smiled. "That's so sweet of you, Aden, but he doesn't care for chocolate."

"I know." I put the box down and opened the top. "My mom sent vanilla, and this." I held up a package of bacon. "I think he might like it." I shrugged, sucking in my lips. "I know it's kind of stupid, and you don't make a big deal about birthday, but I wanted to do something fun for him. It's the human coming out in me," I laughed nervously.

"Titus would love, even if it had been chocolate."

I nodded, hoping my face wasn't showing how awkward this whole situation felt. "Can I use the oven?"

"Let me get the key." She went back to her room and returned with a key ring. "Grab your stuff."

We walked a little ways down the corridor to the only real door in the cave. Rose unlocked it and held it open for me. I went to the makeshift kitchen part of the room and put the box on the counter.

"Do you need any help?"

"No, I'll be fine." I lifted up the box. "I only need to add like three ingredients, so it shouldn't be too hard."

"It's very sweet of you to do this."

I shrugged. "I just want to make his birthday special for him."

"I'll leave you to it then. If you need anything, I'm just down the hall."

The door closed and with a deep breath, I got started. Opening the cake mix package, I dumped it into a bowl. I had to dig around, before I found a measuring cup. I just had to estimate the water and oil amount as the smaller cups were nowhere to be found. Going to the fridge, I opened the door, no eggs.

I cursed under my breath and dug through the stacks of packages meat. I checked all the other fridges, but there wasn't a single egg.

"Damn it." I thought they'd have some. Eggs are protein, and that's all these people live on. Propping open the door was a can, I hurried to Rose's room.

She was launching on some furs reading a book. "Aden, did you need somethings?"

"Eggs," I said nervously.

"Oh, I'm sorry. We don't have any. It's not something we commonly eat."

"Now I know," I muttered, biting my fingernail. I didn't think this through.

"Maybe ask Storm. She might know someone that could help."

I nodded. "Thanks." I jogged down the hallway. Turning the corner, I ran smack into a wall of fur.

"Hey, princess, watch it." Darius picked up the clipboard I had knocked out of his hands. "You're not the only one pissed at me for not doing my job."

"Sorry. Do you know where Storm's at?"

"In the room," he nodded behind him. "Why?"

I didn't really want to tell him. "It's Titus's birthday."

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