Chapter 10: Demoted

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I rolled over into a wall of fur, causing an arm to fall over me. Titus tucked my head under his chin.

"How'd you sleep?"

I muttered a reply and buried my face in his chest.

"You've been apart of the pack for almost three months. I thought you'd be used to getting up early," he chuckled.

"Go away." I pulled the blanket over my head.

"Aden." He rolled on top of me, and his cold tongue ran across my cheek.

"Stop it!" I clasped the spot and shot him a glare over my shoulder. "Don't you have somewhere to be. Darius should be by to put your annoying ass to work." I covered my head with a pillow and tried to go back to sleep."

He dropped all his weight on me.

I groaned and fought to escape. "Titus, get off."

"I just want to cuddle with my mate." He slipped his arms around me and practically smothered me.

"You're crushing me," I groaned.

Laughing, he rolled to the side and pulled the pillow away. "Your hair is all sticking up." He patted my head. "Like a little porcupine."

I snatched my pillow from him. "I hate how much of a morning person you are."

Titus shrugged. "Depends on the morning."

"Well today sucks."

Yelling echoed down the corridor. With a sigh, Titus flopped back and draped his arm over his eyes. "Here comes Darius."

"He's been on one lately."

"All week he's been a total bitch," Titus muttered, shaking his head. "Dad thinks it's the alpha hormones coming in." He glanced over at me. "Rose told me Storm almost kicked him out a couple days ago."

I grabbed his muzzle. "You better not start acting like him, or you'll be having a sleepover with your lovely brother."

"Titus! Rupert! Get up now! We're heading out." Darius's footsteps sounded off toward the main chamber.

"Have a good day." I sat up and kissed his cheek."

"Hmmm.." He kissed me back. "Don't sleep in too long."

I pulled the blankets over my shoulder and closed my eyes. "No promises."


I stretched my arms over my head and slowly pulled myself out of bed. After pulling on some pants, I stopped at the dresser with a mirror sitting on top and tried to get my hair to lay down. Titus was right, I looked like a porcupine. Gathering my bath supplies, I headed down the hall. I passed by Peter's room and gave him a wave.

"Aden," he called.

I stopped and backed up.

"Are you going to the hot pools?" he asked.


"Can I come with you?"

"Sure," I said with a shrug.

He smiled and quickly grabbed his things.

I put my arm around his shoulders and pulled him over to me. "How come your hair isn't sticking up everywhere? Like you said, we do share a wall."

Peter shrugged my arm off. "I've been awake longer than you."

Groaning, I rolled my eyes. "You sound like my mate."

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