Intro: The Beginning

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Nash POV

It was like any other day in school. Trudging through the hallways, having to be "social", sitting through boring classes and worst of all, dealing with ignorant idiots.

The students in this school is beyond stupid. They are like dogs trying to work a chainsaw. Give them something very easy and I can't stress how easy the work is, they find ways to mess everything up!

They're always complaining and they don't ever shut up! They always talk about who slept with who or who did what with who. I don't know half of the crap they rant about in class, but I try my best to pay attention in class.

I'm in history and history is my worst subject. I found it really boring and a big of waste of my time. Yeah we're suppose to learn it so we don't make the same mistakes, but what are the chances that I'm going to make a whole new organization and kill a ton of people. (A/N: I'm talking about hitler and nazism and all that jazz, just in case you didn't know.)

I thought I wouldn't need this for now, so I decided to take a nap. The teacher doesn't care, he just sits there and play videos about wars and treaties and all that great stuff. I hear guns fire from the video and tanks, so I tried my best to zone that out and eventually I did.

"Nash!!! Watch out!" I hear from behind me. I look around and try to take in what's happening. I see men in black suits with guns shooting at me and a group of people. I turn behind me and see a body on the floor bleeding. I don't recognize his face but I yell out "CAMERON!!!!" I see the brown hair boy laying on the ground almost lifeless.

"Babe!" I cry out. Who is this I don't know him. Why am I crying over him. "Don't cry baby. I'll be alright." He says wiping my tears. His hands are warm and comforting. "Just remember, I'll always love you." He says before letting out his last breath.

"AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I cry

I shoot up awake to see desks pushed out around me with tears dripping from my eyes. I start to panic and cry some more. Who was that boy? Why did he die? Who were those men?

I'm pulled out of thoughts when I see the desks starting to float. I panic and one of them goes flying. Did I do that?
"Freak!!!" Some guy yells behind me. I look at him and he goes flying toward the wall. How am I doing this?

Before I did anymore damage I left the room. When I exit the class. I hear all of the desks crashing back into the floor.

I reach my locker and take out my backpack and leave the campus. I drive home as fast as I can without getting a ticket. When I got to my house I immediately ran up to my room.

Nobody's home. They're all at work or school. I go to my room and try to rethink what happened. Did I move those things? I couldn't have, I didn't touch anything or anybody. How were those desks floating?

Maybe I had super powers like the ones from the superhero movies. I tried to move my shoe from the closet and nothing happened. "Think Nash! How did you do it the first time?" Then I thought about the dream I had.

Tears slowly sliding down my face from the unknown boy name Cameron. Then almost everything in my room was moved. That's the thing. Maybe my powers are triggered through emotions. How can I fix that or get rid of this curse or power or whatever it is? I want it gone or suppressed. I have to tell my parents when they get home.


We're all at the dinner table and everyone is looking at their plates not saying a word.

"So how was school today?" My dad asked

"It was fun. We finger painted and played on the playground and we learned how to count!" My little sister Skylynn started.

"It was ok I guess. I had a big test in biology today and I may or may not have failed that test." My little brother Hayes say.

"You better not fail, if you fail you're grounded from that phone of yours. Understood? So go back and retake it or whatever you have to do to turn that into an A." My mom says.

"How about you Nash?" Dad asked.

"Well......." I say not sure if I'm ready to tell them what happened. "I took a nap in history and something weird happened." Both of my parents raised and eyebrow and looked at me with a stern look. I took a deep breath and finished. "I think I may have super powers."

Hayes and Skylynn bursted out laughing. "Super powers? Somebody is busy living in a dream." Hayes says wiping a tear from laughing to hard. My parents on the other hand looked serious. They looked at each other and did a quick nod.

"Okay guys we have to tell you guys something." My mom started.

"Nash is probably right. He may have super powers." My dad said

All three of us are a little taken back on what was just said. I thought i was crazy, but I guess I'm right.

"What do you mean that Nash may have super powers." Hayes asked a little skeptical.

"Around his age we got our powers too." My mom said while summoning a ball of fire out of no where in her hand and my dad with what looks like mist around his hand. Wait did my mom just summon fire? What is that mist around his hand? Maybe he have ice powers. This is all a dream. I'm still in history right now.

Well I'm ready to wake up. I tried to pinch myself awake, but it didn't work.

"Nash, this isn't a dream. This is all real life."

Authors Note: Hey guys! Are you guys liking it so far? I thought this would be really fun to write and what not. I like it lol and I'm excited to write more. If you like it please vote and I'll be sure to write some more. For those who don't like it, I'm sorry. I'll try to make it better promise. Until next time, peace out my pandaninjas

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