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A/N: Okay guys I have really thought about this chapter for like an hour debating rather or not to take this path. I came to the conclusion that I will. You will find out soon enough.

So hold your boob, pecs, dick, vagina, anus, paginis(penis/vagina. It was from family guy lol love that show) or whatever you have because shit is about to go down! Hope you guys won't hate me after this.

Nash's POV

I held Cameron in my body almost lifeless as he bleeds out more.

"I know what I said earlier about me not loving you, but I take that all back. I do love you and I will always love you. It looks like I'm not gonna make it." He says chuckling. I wasn't laughing with him, tears were practically spilling out of me.

"If I die or not, just know I love you." He says before he gives one last breath.

"Wait get back! I absorbed Shawn's power so I could heal him." Taylor says rushing to Cameron's aid.

As he started to heal Cameron a bullet was put through Taylor's head.

"Taylor!!!" I screamed looking at his lifeless body.

I turned to see if the others were okay. The Jacks, Matt and Sam were looking at us until they were shot through the head as well.

I was crying harder if that was possible. Everybody is dying and it's all my fault.

Will walked up to me cocking his gun back. "Well it's your turn little brother." He says putting the gun to my forehead.


I shot up out of bed looking at my surroundings. I'm covered in a cold sweat. I got out of bed and exited my room.

"Nash? Are you awake?" I hear my mom down stairs.

"Yeah mom." I yell back.

"Well hurry up! Don't want to be late on your first day." She says.

Oh yeah, I forgot. I moved to California and today is the first day of school.

I went into the restroom and hopped into into the shower. I remember my dream fully. Everything from my first day at camp to the Will incident.

I got out of the shower and went to my room to get dressed. I put on a ripped pair of black jeans with a grey long sleeve. I put on my shoes and ran down stairs with my backpack.

"Morning baby. How did you sleep?" My mom asked handing me a bowl of cereal.

"Ok I guess. Had a weird dream." I say.

"What was it- oh wait! You're going to be late form the bus. Go now!" She yells rushing me out the door.

I walk to the bus stop and tried to focus on my power. I tried to bend the stop sign with my mind but nothing happened.

The bus came and I got on.


We were dropped off at the front of the school and it was pretty nice. They had a bright green lawn for students to hang out at and a big building. Then somebody catches my eye. It was Gilinsky and Sam. They were playing with a squirrel.

I ran up to them tackling them into a hug.

"Oh my god! You guys are real." I say letting go of them.

"You let the squirrel go!" Gilinsky yelled at me.

"Do we know you?" Sam asked me. Wait, they don't know me?

"Oh um, sorry. I thought you guys were somebody else." I lie. They both chuckle.

"It's okay. My name is Jack and this is my boyfriend Sam." Gilinsky explains. I was in shock when I heard they were dating. I thought it was suppose to be Johnson and Gilinsky not Sam and Gilinsky.

"I'm Nash. What were yall doing with the squirrel?" I ask

"We both love animals, so I tried talking to one but it didn't work and Sam here have some fantasy about turning into animals. He's the weird one, but I love him." Gilinsky said putting his arm around Sam's shoulder giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Well hope to see you around." Sam said grabbing Gilinsky's hand and getting up. They walked away hand in hand into the school.

I sigh and trudged inside. I was kinda disappointed that they didn't know me, but it was a dream.

After getting my schedule I went to my designated locker. I began to put my locker combination in then suddenly somebody slammed their hand on my locker.

I jumped turning to see who that was. I was Carter. So he's a bully in real life too.

"You new here aren't you?" He asked cockily.

"Y-y-yeah." I stuttered.

"W-w-what's w-w-wrong? Can't t-t-talk?" He asked mocking my stuttering.

"Hey leave him alone!" I hear from the side of me. It was Cameron but he didn't look like the Cameron in my dream. He looked like a nerd.

He had glasses, his hair was long, he had suspenders on with a button shirt.

"Or what nerd?" Carter asked walking up to Cameron.

"Or I'm going to tell your girlfriend that you're cheating on her with a guy." Cameron says with a smirk.

"You win this time Dallas." Carter said walking away.

"Hey are you okay?" Cameron asked walking up to me. He still look cute even though he is a nerd.

"Yeah. Thank you. I'm Nash." I said sticking my hand out for him to shake it.

"I'm Cameron. I wish I was strong. I want to stand up to bullies like him." He said shaking my hand.

"Can I see your schedule?" He asked. I handed him my schedule an he scanned it and smiled.

"We have all the same classes. This is going to be an amazing year." He says giving me a giant smile.

Author Note: So yeah, all that was a dream. I'm sorry. I needed a plot twist. Hope yall don't hate me. And sorry for making this chapter shorter than usual.

QOTD: Do you think this book is gonna suck now they don't have powers?

It's okay to be honest. If it does suck I'm sorry and I'll try to make it as interesting as I can.

Again I'm sooooooo SORRY if the book sucks now!😓

Anyways until next time PEACE OUT MY PANDANINJAS ✌️

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