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Mahogany's POV

Tonight was perfect. Me and my girlfriends hanging out, talking, living life as a teenager, but somehow an idiot wants to ruin that.

Of course my life isn't rainbows and butterflies, but I try my damn best for it to be. As me being the freak I am, I had to deal with the people that busted up I here causing a big mess.

I made sure to evacuate everybody out of the stadium before I began to help people.

After I made sure everybody left I met up with Sammy to get some details on what's happening.

"Sammy! Who are these people?"

"It's a group of kids with powers too. Just make sure everybody is ok." He says. I nod and run off to check on Nash cause I heard he was drunk.

I was stopped by a boy who jumped in front of me.

"Wow, you're beautiful. May I introduce myself? My name is Jacob. Jacob Whiteside." Who I now know is Jacob said. He didn't look half bad.

"But sadly I have to kill you." He finish before he kicked me in the face. Did this bitch just kick me? I spun a whole 360 before I fell to the floor.

I got up and sent my hair after him to pin him on the floor.

"Sam!" I yelled to get his help. I saw him run to my aid.

"What's up? Who's this?" He asked.

"This is the twerp who kick my face." I said rubbing my chin.

"I gotcha. Throw him in the air." He instructed. I nodded and tossed Jacob in the air as high as I could.

Sam then turned into a T-Rex catching Jacob in his mouth. Give it to Sam to be dramatic.

He began to chomp on Jacob then I felt sharp pains on my side and legs. I see what it was and I see bite marks on me.

"AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!" I screamed from the pain. Sam noticed and turn back to a human dropping Jacob.

As soon as he hit the floor I felt a bang on my back side. I fell from the pain and sat there trying to regain my posture.

I see Jacob getting up from the floor perfectly new.

"How are you fine and why am I hurt?" I ask fighting through all the pain.

"Oh I didn't tell you? Well I'm a human voodoo doll." He says.

"What?" Sam asked

"I'm a human voodoo doll. I don't feel any pain. Any pain conflicted on me, the person I think about gets it. So when you tried to eat me, I was think about poor Mahogany here and she felt the pain of being bitten by a dinosaur." He explain.

"You bitch!" I yell as I try to run to him, but I failed. I collapsed before I could reach him in time.

"Shawn!" I hear Sam yell. "Help Mahogany here. I'm going to deal with this freak." Sam said.

Shawn then began to heal me.

Sam's POV

I instructed Shawn to help Mahogany while I figure out how I'm going to beat this guy. If I hurt this guy, he can hurt Mahogany or anybody else.

I didn't want that so I had to be smart. If he's a voodoo doll, how can I get him to not hurt my friends.

I had an idea. I don't have to hurt him. He doesn't feel pain anyway, so all I had to do was to confine him.

I turn into a boa constrictor and slither into his body. Soon I began tighten my grip so he couldn't move, but I didn't do it too tight where he could get hurt.

"Hold on Sam." I hear Mahogany say. Soon after she's up and going thanks to Shawn.

Mahogany then wrapped this kid in her hair and now he's immobilized.

"Hey, do you transfer only pain or does sickness transfer to the next person too?" I ask as I turn back into a human.

"I'm not telling you." He spat as he struggles to get out of Mahogany's hair.

"Well it look like I have to figure that out." I say. I then turn into a cone snail.

A cone snail is a dangerous sea animal that lives in the great corral reef. If you get stung by one then you can kiss your nervous system good bye. It make you paralyze in other words.

I then stuck a spike in his leg and suddenly his body goes limp.

"What the hell did you do to me?" He ask not struggling anymore. Mahogany put him down and he wasn't moving at all, well besides his mouth.

"I stung you with a spike of a cone snail." I say

"You son of bitch!" He said between his teeth.

"Sorry not sorry. You did pick a fight with us and you lost. Oh well." I say as Mahogany and I walk away.

I noticed Mahogany look back with sympathetic eyes. I know this eyes from anywhere.

"No Mahogany. You can't fall for him. He's the bad guy." I say trying to persuade her.

"But he's cute. How about I change him. C'mon Sammy. Have a heart." She said putting her bottom lip out. She also pulled the puppy dog eyes out.

"Nope. Final answer." I say and as if on cue all the bad guys disappeared.

Author's Note: hey hope you guys liked the chapter.

QOTD: Do you have any siblings?

I have 2 brothers. One younger and one older. Plus a younger sister. Yay, so that's a total of 4 kids. I wish I was the only child.

Anyways until next time PEACE OUT MY PANDANINJAS ✌️

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