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I finally changed the cover. I was planning to, but I've been bleh. So what do you think of the new cover? It's kinda basic, but I like it. Anyway time for the story.

3rd person POV

As Cameron and Nash were leaving the pier after their first date, they hear screaming and crashing.

Of course being the weirdos they are, they ran towards the scene rather than away from it. As they arrive to the scene Nash notices a familiar face.

One he haven't seen in forever.

He saw his old childhood friend, Aaron Carpenter. They use to close friends back in North Carolina. They lost touch after Nash moved to California.

Everything decayed at his touch. It corroded and broke.

"Help me! Please." He pleaded.

Of course Nash first instinct was to help him, but he had to be careful not to be touched by him.

"Stay still and stop touching things." Nash instructed.

Arron nodded and stood still while Nash looked around for something to cover his hands.

What doesn't corrode? Nash asked himself. Then he immediately thought of plastic.

He went into a concession stand and grabbed two large plastic cups. He covered Aaron's hands with them and they began to exit the pier.

Little did they know. Somebody was watching them.

Nash's POV

"Why are you in California?" I asked.

"I'm here to see you. I asked your mom where you were and she said you were at the pier, so I came here." He explains.

"Then when I arrived I began to feel queasy, so I sat down for awhile. When I rested my hand on the bench, it started to rot and break."

"I began to panic. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what was going on. And when I touched the ride by accident, it came crashing down." He finishes.

We got to Cameron's car and I opened the door for Aaron, but before he got it, he was pulled back by something.

I turn my body and see a girl with long black hair on the beach. She had Aaron wrapped in a rope thing made of water.

"Who are you and what do you want with Aaron?" I yell.

"I'm Andrea Russet and I need this guy. He would be great help to the government." She explains.

Ugh! Why can't I have a normal day?

"Now if you please let me leave without any trouble." She says.

Of course I wasn't gonna give up that easily. I used my power to pull Aaron back from her water trap.

"Whoa! How did you do that?" He asks as he's floating in the air.

"I'll explain later. Get her Cameron!" I instructed. He nods and charge at her.

He's throwing punches left as right but she dodges it. Then out of no where a wave of water came crashing on Cameron drowning him.

"Oh yeah, I can control water and can use it at will." She explains. Then she engulfs Cameron in a giant bubble with his body floating in it.

"I like to call this a water prison." She chuckles evilly.

I then pulled Cameron out of there with my powers and put him next to me.

"T-t-thanks." He says trying to catch his breath. I guess that bubble was full of water.

I then lifted Andrea as threw her into the ocean far from us. As she's out there doing whatever, we run to the car.

As we try to get into the car I felt something wet wrapped around my leg. I see a tentacle made of water wrapped around me and soon after I'm dragged out into the ocean.

"You think you can get rid of me that easily?" She asks dangling me upside down.

I didn't know what to do. I had nothing to control. As I thought all hope is lost, something came crashing in hitting the water devil.

It was a car. Not just any car. It was Cameron's car. What the hell?

As it hit Andrea I began to swim back to shore. I guess she gave up because I swam back without any troubles.

I laid there on the sand out of energy and breath.

"Nash! Are you okay?" Cameron asked as he and Aaron come running to my side. I nod and closed my eyes.

"Just. Need. To. Rest." I say in between breaths. Cameron and Aaron laid on both side of me and rest with me.

"So......you guys have powers?" Aaron asked.

"We." Cameron corrected. "And yes we do. It's cool that you can decay things with a touch." Cameron says. Aaron chuckles.

Our little break soon comes to an abrupt end when I felt this wave of water crash over me.

I open my eyes and see I'm trapped in her water prison. It was full of water and I didn't know how long I can hold my breath.

Luckily I can see through the bubble. I see Cameron fighting her. Well he's trying. He can't land a single punch.

Then she entraps him in a water prison as well.

"Aww c'mon guys. I know this isn't all you can do, is it? Wow the others suck." She scoffs.

"OPEN! Gate of the archer, SAGITTARIUS!" I hear muffled on the outside. It was Matt.

How did he find us?

"Get her." He instructed. Then I see arrows flying at Andrea. She blocks them with a wall of water.

"So you want to play too?" She ask.

"C'mon Sagittarius, give he the big one." He instructed. I turn my head and see that Sagittarius had a giant arrow drawled back on his bow.

I turn to see Andrea to see how she reacts. Her face was one of those 'oh shit' faces.

In a split second, the arrow was released and aimed at Andrea. She was hit and flown back into the ocean.

When she was hit Cameron and I were released from the prison. We both gasp for air needing it. God knows how long we were in there for. I'm surprised I didn't pass out.

"Hey guys are you okay?" Matt asks running toward us.

"Yeah. How did you find us?" I asks breathless.

"Well your mom was kinda worried if something like this would happen, so she told me to watch over yall." He explains.

"Where's Aaron?" I ask looking for the boy, but he was no where to be found.

Author's Note: What do you think happened to him? Mm Cameron didn't really help lol. What do you think about Andrea in the book? Is she cool or nah?

On another note, I need to go back to the gym. It's been three days since I've worked out. Ugh being lazy sucks at the same amazing.

QOTD: Are you ready for school?

School starts in about a month here in Texas, idk about yall but I'm kinda ready!!!

Anyways until next time PEACE OUT MY PANDANINJAS ✌️

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