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A/N: hey this chapter may be boring. Sorry for that but it leads up to other stuff so please stay tuned.

Nash's POV

"Wait if you love Carter then why were you trying to get with me?" I asked confused.

"Because I thought if I got with you I'll forget about my crush on Carter." Matt explains. I stood there nodding and understanding why he meant, but at the same time I felt used.


We got done cleaning the common area around 10:30, so we began to get ready for bed.

When I got to my room I felt this sudden gut feeling that I should help Matt even though he kinda used me.

"Hey Matt! How about I help hook you and Carter up?" I tell Matt as he walks in the room.

"How are you suppose to do that?" He asks a little skeptical.

"I could get information on what Carter likes and use that to help you be more adorable and loving." I say pinching his cheeks.

"How are you gonna get that information." He asks slapping my hands away from his cheeks that are now red.

"Leave that to me." I say with a smirk.

"Fine. Do what you want. Just don't get yourself hurt in the process."

I jump with excitement when I hear him give in. I'm gonna be the best match maker ever!

My first plan was to ask Carter directly and see how that goes. I'll ask him during training.

It's began to get late so I snuggle in my own bed and ball up to fetus position.


It's seven in the morning and I'm bright and awake. I couldn't wait to get Matt and Carter together. It makes this camp more fun, but first I had to train myself.

I needed to control my power so I could use it whenever I want not when my partner is almost beaten or when someone dies.

I went to the library hoping that there's going to be a book to help me. I started to walk towards the librarian hoping she knows where certain books are.

"Excuse me ma'am? Do you know where books about psychics are at?" I ask trying to be as polite as I can.

She turns slowly scanning my face before she spoke. "Look in section 45 shelf 3." She says while spit comes out when she says her 's'.

I wipe the spit and made my way to section 45. When I got there I scanned the shelves for the books I'm looking for. Then one caught my eye.

"The ways of a psychic." It read. I grabbed that book and resumed looking for other books. Another one catches my eye. It says "The brain's mysterious powers." So I grabbed that one too.

I went to a table and began to read. I started with 'The brain's mysterious powers.' because that seems more interesting.

I opened it and looked at the table of contents. Chapter 7 was about telekinesis, so I skipped over to that chapter.

I began to read out loud because I really don't understand anything if I read inside my head.

"Telekinesis was called psychokinesis in the late 1800's. It is the ability to move physical object without physically touching it." I knew that already.

"They say having this ability involves major concentration and patients. It takes time to fully control such abilities and in some cases can develop into more than just telekinesis. It could lead to mind reading(telepathy) and fortune telling. Not all people have it but very rare ones." I read.

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